Endless Time

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You focused on your cold fingers with extreme anxiety as you stood, wondering what to do that night. 'Should I hide somewhere or run?' It was the question you'd been asking yourself. If you hid, where would you be safe? If you ran, you'd get lost in the woods. The sight of the tall figure was terrifying to see. Why did the figure stand there and almost unearthly? 

You held the right side of your head as another headache pounded in your mind. Leaning over, you decided to reach for some painkillers you'd kept in your backpack, the ones you took after getting so wasted from the alcohol the night you found yourself wandering in the woods. You sighed heavily, swallowing three of the pills dry. 

A piercing screech was heard as you froze, moving your head straight to the door to watch. You then stood up, luckily finding a gleaming axe from the window's moonlight lying across a table. You picked up the steel axe, held it tightly in both hands and walked near the doorway. You stood in place now, watching your surroundings for any danger awaiting. You walked outside, tracing back your steps between the trees you marked earlier in blood, with your flashlight in your other hand. It was pitch black except for the moonlight through the thickened cloudy night sky. The trees also covered the moonlight from the leaves; It was more of a challenge to see anything from your perspective. 

You slightly jumped in surprise as a leaf dropped from one of the trees you passed by, and your heart rate spiked. Sighing in relief, you kept searching around, proceeding into the woods. Every step was rustling beneath your feet, dirt, dried-up leaves, and twigs, and from time to time you had to struggle to keep your balance from unsuspecting broken-down logs. 'Shit, shit, shit,' you thought as you try to control your breathing. You've feared being in the woods since you were younger. Unsuspectingly, you noticed that you were living your worst nightmare. 

Your flashlight starts to flicker as you walk, shaking your head. "Not right now!..." you cried somewhat quietly. Something whooshed behind you as you felt the cold air rub against your body, a very uneasy feeling. A putrid taste in your mouth as your heart thumped in the back of your throat. You quickly flashed the light in that direction but couldn't find anything. Goosebumps covered your arms as you began to sweat with fear, the sensation of the hairs on your neck standing up. Your grip on the axe became tighter as you hurried your pace frantically through the woods. It was now quiet, a little too quiet for liking. Paranoid, you shook a little and rolled your eyes over the thought that nobody would ever believe such a story like this. Come on, a figure running through the woods and haunting people? You chuckled a bit over such silly thoughts. That was merely childish to say to anybody. 

Hunger pains started to form in your stomach as you winced from the pain, hearing the gurgling sounds from the inside. What was this? Day three since you've eaten anything? You've lost count because it felt too long ago. You shifted your weight against a tree as you felt sick to your stomach and suddenly dizzy, coughing up liquid vomit. "Ugh.." you moaned as you held your stomach and then stood straight as you wiped the leftover vomit off your mouth with one of the sleeves of your shirt. You heard another rustling, and you moved your flashlight in the direction. Studying, you can hear a familiar voice calling your name, and the closer it got, you gasped. "Marissah?!" 

She was in shock, blood dripping from her arms. You fixated the flashlight to the side she was holding on her body, a blood-stained tight purple dress she was wearing. "Marissah what the fuck happened?!" She hesitated to speak as she trembled and started to cry. You placed your arms around her trying to comfort her. "Marissah..." 

Her faded lips with pink lipstick lingered her words from her mouth, "I...I..." tears began to fall as she choked and coughed. Something about her was wrong because she didn't act the same as you knew her. She was once fun-loving, energetic, wild, and full of surprises but not this night as she coughed again and the words flooded all at once, her eyes were wide, "Somebody chased after me in the woods as I was on a search for you. You've been gone for several days so I felt bad just not looking. I'm not saying gushy romantic shit and stuff like that... I was so scared (Y/N) that I needed to find you. Like that strong feeling, you have in your gut kinda thing...I know we drank a lot, and maybe it was a shitty party, and I know you were forced to go to get out of your physically abusive parent's house so that's why you came in the first place. It's okay like I get it and all..."

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