"Dazai, the president needs you."

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I will try to update 2 or more chapters everyday!please be patient 😭, if you like the fic and want to read more, save it to your library so you won't have to try find it every time! /nf (just in case anyone didn't know)

dazai woke up to his alarm, he checked the time, it read "8:00" his work started at 8:30. He lay there lost in thought for a few minutes. At 8:05 he finally got up, yawning and rubbing his eyes, he stood up and walked into his bathroom.


the tall man groaned, as he was bombarded with messages, he picked up his phone, toothbrush in hand. The messages read:

Kunikida: "dazai you better be awake!"
Kunikida: "dazai you can't slack off work!"
Kunikida: "don't forget to eat, but make sure you arrive before 8:30!!"
Kunikida: "I'm sick of being your alarm clock every morning."
Kunikida: "you have  20 minutes, 18 seconds to get here."

dazai responded with; "calm down kunikidaaa, I'm almost done getting ready!!" , that was a lie. "I'll be there in 10 minutes!!" Another lie.

dazai lazily walked into his bedroom, getting dressed, he checked the time; 8:27, luckily it only took around 5 minutes to get to the agency. At 8:35 he finally left for work.

as dazai entered at 8:40 kunikida ran up to him

Kunikida: "dazai you lazy slug! You are 10 minutes and 48 seconds late! You have alot of work to catch up on! Your so lazy!"

Atsushi: "kunikida isn't that a bit..harsh?"

Kunikida: "he can't keep slacking off!!"

kunikida was yelling at dazai for around 5 minutes before he went back to his desk, dazai also walked to his desk, sitting down sloppily

Kunikida: "dazai you need to write a report on your last mission."

dazai turned to atsushi

"At-su-shi-kun, can you write my report for meeee?"

dazai made a pleading face, his eyes like a puppies eyes wanting food, his hands clasped together

Atsushi: "I think you should listen to kunikida more, I can't keep doing your reports for you!"


dazai turned to kunikida

"Ku-ni-ki-da-san, can you-"

Kunikida: "absolutely not! You can't keep being lazy! Write your own reports!"

that ended in a 10 minute lecture about laziness, sloppiness and tardiness, yosano walked out of Fukuzawa's office

Yosano: "dazai the president needs you, you have another mission"

"Whaaat..another? But whyyyy..the world is so cruel"

dazai made a dramatic face, acting as if he was in agony, before finally standing up and walking to his office, swinging the door open

"You needed meee?"

Fukuzawa: "I need you to sneak into the port mafia, slip into mori's office and find some important files. They should be located somewhere around his desk."

"Why not ask yosano! Uuurrggg..finee..where abouts should I look for this USB?"

Fukuzawa: "in moris office, you'll have to slip through the guards."

dazai groaned

—time skip!—

dazai snuck into the port mafia building, knowing the landscape well, he slipped around in the shadows and snuck in the elevator, he pressed the top floor button, as the doors opened he quickly disposed of the guards, they put up a fight, but not good enough for what the mafia called, the "demon prodigy", he peeked inside mori's office, of course he was in there; he had to think of how to distract him, this is where his plan came in, after setting up some things, he knocked them all down, making a distraction, he hid behind the door as Mori walked out, he snuck in and closed the doors, blocking them with something, Elise was about to snitch but he touched her just in time, she disappeared. He searched in mori's drawers, under carpets, until he found a USB with a label that stated; "confidential" finally, he'd found it. He moved the chair from the door and made his escape, almost being seen, he snuck out of the mafia building, the same way he came in. He called Fukuzawa

"I got it, I still don't understand why yosano couldn't have done it"

Fukuzawa: "stop complaining and return to the agency, congratulations on completing your task, now, do you think you'll be able to unlock the files?"

"Psssh..without a doubt, that's easy"

—end of chapter 1.—
—word count: 734 words.—

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