"Makerel! Open this door!"

389 10 9

Vulgar language
Suicide mention

a few days after the incident, he hadn't shown up to work, he couldn't find the strength too. He lay in bed, his past catching up to him; was he a monster? Will he be mori's dog forever? Why him? Why must all this happen to him?, he lay in bed, he hadn't eaten, he didn't deserve food, or so he thought. A monster like him will never change. People never change.

—ADA pov:—
Atsushi: "has anyone seen dazai? He hasn't came to work for days, or answered my messages.."

Kunikida: "he's probably being lazy, he can't be bothered to come to work. He hasn't answered me either."

Ranpo: "stop bickering, can someone buy me snacks?"

Kunikida: "ranpo! Just the person we need, can you find out where dazai is and why he isn't working?"

Ranpo: "no can do, my master brain won't work without snacks"

kunikida sighed, he knew ranpo could find out, he just wanted snacks.

Kunikida: "fine, but you better tell us when I get back."

Ranpo: "yeah yeah"

Atsushi: "I'm really worried.. what if he did something bad?"

Ranpo: "he hasn't."

Atsushi: "how do you know?"

Ranpo: "he's laying in bed, he doesn't feel like coming in"

Atsushi: "why did you make kunikida buy snacks? I thought your brain didn't work without food"

Ranpo: "meh. It was a lie, I wanted snacks."

Atsushi: "oh, I see."

—with the mafia—
Akutagawa: "hm.. dazai isn't responding, he never does but he normally reads my message atleast, I need to show him how powerful I've become! Why won't he even read my messages. He is so infuriating!"

Chuuya: "hm? What are you rambling about?"

Akutagawa: "nothing just stupid dazai, he won't even read my messages!"

Chuuya: "that's unusual."

Akutagawa: "can you go check on him? Not to see if he's okay but to make sure he hasn't died before I can show him how powerful I've become!"

Chuuya: "of course, my boy."

*chuuya walks to dazais apartment, he's used to having to check on him when he ghosts everyone, it's nothing he hasn't dealt with before, he brought wine, not for dazai, dazai hates wine, for himself, he knows dazai is gonna annoy the shit out of him, tease him about caring, about having "dog vocabulary" , whatever that means, he knocked on the door, no response, he knocked again, harder.*

Chuuya: "dazai! Open this door before I smash it down!"

dazai groaned and got up lazily, he opened the door.

"How nice! Chuuya came to visit me~! Aweee"

Chuuya: "shut up. Why are you ignoring akutagawa."

"Whatever do you mean?"

Chuuya: "normally you read his messages and on rare occasion reply, you don't even bother reading them. It's upsetting my son."

"You have such a dogs vocabulary chuuyaaaa! You really came all this way to check on me? How kind!"

Chuuya: "I am not a dog! I just came because you're stupid ass is upsetting akutagawa!"

"Whatever you sayyy.."

Dazai let chuuya in, closing the door behind him

Chuuya: "Jesus, you're really skinny, have you been eating properly?"

"Awe thank you chuuuyaaaa!"

Chuuya: "I'll take that as a no, sit down. I'll cook you something."

"Going out of your way to cook for me? Just admit your in love with me at this point!"

Chuuya: "shut up, I'm only doing this for akutagawa."

"Whatever you say hatrack."

chuuya growled at that comment, they started back and forth arguing, including insults such as "mackerel" , "chibi" , "suicidal maniac" , "bitchless" , "waste of bandages" and "mafioso"

after their argument they didn't speak, chuuya passed dazai the plate and sat next to him, the silence was deafening, their awkward solitude was interrupted by 3 aggressive knocks on the door, dazai set his plate down to open the door, kunikida barged in his apartment

Kunikida: "why have you been absent for 3 whole days?! Are you that lazy and incompetent?! Let me guess, you've been laying in bed all day! You haven't answered anyone's messages or calls, we are all worried sick! Especially atsushi, he sees you as a man he can look up too! Do you think slacking off for 3 days is a good influence on him?! Think of everyone else dazai! All you think about is youself and not your work!"

dazai waved his hands

"Kunikidaaaa calm down! I was sick, I called in sick to Fukuzawa, didn't he tell you?"

Kunikida: "being sick doesn't excuse running away from your work! Work should be your top priority!"

Chuuya: "not the first time he's ran away."

"Not the time for this chuuya."

Kunikida: "why is chuuya Nakahara, the most dangerous ability user, gravity manipulator, sat on your sofa?!"

"I actually do not know"

after 30 minuets of scolding, questions and excuses kunikida left, dazai threw himself back on his sofa, and started eating.

—end of chapter 3!—
—word count: 813–

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