Chapter Seven

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The rest of the day went really slowly for Harry. He was nervous but also a little excited to talk to Malfoy. There was so much they needed to talk about so they could understand each other better.

Finally, it was time for dinner and Harry went to retrieve his invisibility cloak which he shrunk and then put it in his pocket. Harry ate quickly at dinner and then waited a little impatiently for Malfoy to get up. Malfoy looked up then and nodded quickly to Harry before getting up and leaving the Great Hall.

Harry turned to Hermione saying, "I might be really late tonight 'Mione so don't wait up worrying." Hermione gave him a confused look but before she could say anything, Harry had already started for the doors.

Once Harry got out of the Great Hall, he took out his cloak and turned it back to its original size. He then slipped the cloak on and headed to the entrance of the Slytherin Common Room. Once he turned the corner, he saw a head of blonde hair pacing back and forth, waiting for him. Not wanting to blow his cover in case someone came around the corner unexpectedly, Harry didn't take off his invisibility cloak. Instead, to get Malfoy's attention, Harry touched the blonde's arm.

Malfoy jumped and looked around wildly to try and find who or what had touched him. Harry tried to stifle a laugh, but he just couldn't help himself. The look on his face... Oh, that was priceless! Harry thought as he let out a quiet laugh. "Potter?" Malfoy asked, "Is that you?"

"Yeah," Harry said quietly, still trying not to laugh, "it's me."

Harry watched as Malfoy sighed and relaxed. Then Harry saw the blonde look embarrassed at his reaction. Harry didn't think he'd even seen Malfoy blush before and he found it rather amusing. Malfoy then quickly composed himself and said, "All right Potter, follow me."

Malfoy then whispered the password so Harry couldn't hear and walked through the now open passage and Harry hurried to follow. He noticed that the Common Room still looked the same from when he was there during his second year with Ron. Harry smiled at the memory but then, remembering that Ron was still mad at him, he scowled. Harry followed Malfoy up the boys staircase and all the up to the top floor where they finally reached the blonde's room.

Harry was surprised at what he saw when he walked in. Harry had expected to see Slytherin green and silver everywhere. But instead, Harry saw a fairly large room with a couch and two big, comfy-looking chairs near a large stone fireplace on the right. To Harry's left, was a door that Harry assumed led to the bathroom. Next to that door was Malfoy's desk which had a bunch of papers, quills and ink pots scattered on it. On either side of the desk were huge bookcases that reached the ceiling, full of books.

Harry crossed over to the book cases to read some of the titles and saw that most of them were Potions books, which didn't surprise Harry at all. What did surprise him, however, was that there were almost as many Care Of Magical Creatures books. I thought Malfoy hated Care of Magical Creatures... Harry thought to himself. Harry turned to the sound of someone moving and saw Malfoy taking odd his shoes and school robe, leaving him in dress pants and a Hogwarts sweater.

"Make yourself comfortable." Malfoy said.

Harry went back to the door and took his shoes off, placing them neatly beside the door. Harry turned around to face the opposite wall from the door where he saw a couple wardrobes, a side table with a few books on it, a king sized bed, and Malfoy's Hogwarts trunk at the end of the bed.

Malfoy was busy putting away his school robe so Harry moved towards the fire place and sat in one of the large, comfy chairs that sat at a slight angle from the couch and just to the right of the fireplace.

The thing that surprised Harry the most about the room was how un-Slytherin it looked. It was green sure, but it wasn't Slytherin green and there was no sliver, just black as the accent colour. Malfoy walked over and sat on the couch opposite Harry, looking a little uncomfortable with having Harry in his room. At Harry's confused look, Malfoy smirked a little and said, "Not what you expected, Potter?"

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