Chapter Twenty-Two

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       The next morning, Harry woke up first feeling warm and safe. Hmm, he thought, I could get used to this.

       Once he processed where he was, however, he nearly fell off the bed, effectively waking Draco up, whom he had been embracing mere moments earlier. Why did I feel so comfortable with him lying in my arms? He quickly discarded that thought when it led to answers he did not want to hear.

"What was that about?" Draco asked with a mixed expression of confusion and fatigue.

"Um... I dunno," he blushed slightly, "let's get ready for breakfast".

"m'kay" the blonde mumbled, obviously too tired to press any further.

       Both boys were dressed and ready to go in fifteen minutes and made their way towards the Great Hall.

"So what do we have first?" Harry asked.

       He watched as Draco searched around in his school bag for their time table and had to grab the blonde's waist to pull him away from the stairs that had just moved away.

"Thanks" Draco said after realising he had almost just stepped off of the platform which would have led to him seriously hurting himself.

       Harry watched curiously as the blonde boy blushed a light red. He then remembered that he hadn't let go of Draco's waist yet.

"Sorry" he mumbled, blushing brightly as he pulled his arm away and continued walking to the Great Hall, forgetting what he had even asked the blonde in the first place.

Draco's POV:

       He was searching through his school bag when he was suddenly pulled back by Harry, who had put his arm around his waist. He was slightly confused until he saw where he had been about to step.

"Thanks," he said sincerely.

       He then realised that Harry still had his arm around his waist and couldn't help the slight blush that bloomed on his cheeks. He watched as Harry stared at him curiously and saw the dawning look that overcame the raven-haired boy's face. He watched as Harry also blushed a deep crimson and couldn't help but notice how beautiful the other boy looked in that moment.

"Sorry" Harry mumbled quietly before turning towards the Great Hall.

       Draco followed behind Harry, careful this time to not fall to his doom as he continued to search for his time table. Aha! I found it! He thought triumphantly as he sat down in front of Harry.

"Potions," he said happily.

"What?" Harry asked, obviously having forgotten that he'd asked Draco to get the time table out.

       He rolled his eyes at the boy, then proceeded to grab some food whilst saying, "We have double potions with Severus first."

"Oh, right!" the green-eyed boy said, "I'm sure that will be so much fun..." he finished sarcastically.

"You know, it would have been a lot easier for you if you had just answered everything correctly instead of pretending to be dumb." He reminded the boy.

       Harry sighed, "It may have been easier while in class, but outside of it, I would have lost my 'best friend'. At the time, Ronald's friendship was more important."

"Well," he said happily, attempting to cheer the Gryffindor up, "you don't have to pretend any longer. I only ask that you be yourself."

       He was rewarded with a breathtaking smile from Harry.

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