you fight but can't sleep without him

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The sound of the guest room door slamming shut as you turned the lock on the bedroom door made your heart sink a little deeper in your chest.

It was a reminder that Seungmin was just as upset at you as you were at him and needed some space too.

Even though you were the first to storm up the stairs and you locked yourself in the bedroom to cool down, you have to admit that you wanted to open the door and run into his arms right as soon as it was closed.

Because you can't seem to remember why you and Seungmin were arguing in the first place.

It was probably over something silly and small, something that escalated because you're both tired and stressed.

But it seems so stupid now that you think about it and all you want is for him to hold you and tell you that everything will be okay because you've never slammed doors and closed each other out before.

Your arguments, even though they rarely ever take place and they're never huge, don't ever last long.

Because you're both mature enough to realize that you care and love each other too much to let something small and stupid ruin your time together.

But tonight, things were different, and you regretted every second and word spoken.

You let out a sigh as you turned the lock again and you hoped Seungmin heard it.

Because you weren't locking him out anymore.

You had unlocked it, hoping that he'd come in and hold you.

But the time passed by and the door stayed closed.

You didn't hear the guest room door open and you didn't hear footsteps, meaning that he wasn't coming out of there anytime soon.

So you turned off the light and crawled under the covers, deciding to give him the space he probably wanted still.

You lay there, hoping that eventually, your ears would perk up at the sound of him coming into the bedroom.

But even as it got late, everything stayed quiet and his side of the bed stayed cold and empty.

You couldn't sleep even if you tried.

It was too cold without him there to hold you and you couldn't fall asleep with the thought of him being upset or possibly hurting from the words that you'd both spoken.

So you decided to make the first move.

You got out of bed and made your way across the hall to the guest room.

You wondered if he'd turned the lock on the door to keep you out for the night but much to your relief, he hadn't.

You opened the door and the lamp turned on right away.

Seungmin was staring at you as he sat up in the bed, watching you walk across the floor and over to him.


"Yeah?" He quietly spoke.

"I can't sleep." You said. "Not without you."

He smiled a little before he opened his arms.

"Come here." He whispered.

And you didn't hesitate.

You hurried over to him the rest of the way and got into the bed with him, curling up in his arms.

It was quiet for a second you laid your head on his chest.

But then he spoke up, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." You said as you looked at him. "I can't even remember what we fought about, honestly. But I know I said things and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry I rushed upstairs and closed the door. As soon as I did, I regretted it. I just wanted you."

"I know. I felt the same way when I came in here. But I figured you didn't feel that way and you wanted space so, as hard as it was for me, I gave it to you."

"I don't need space from you, Seungmin. No matter how bad we may argue, no matter what may be said, no matter how upset we are - I don't ever need space from you. I just need you."

"I'm right here." He assured as he started to rub your back. "No more arguing, okay? And next time, we talk it out the way we usually do. I know tonight was worse because we both had hard days and we felt overwhelmed. Small things ticked us off and made things worse than they were. I'm sorry for that."

"Me too. But I promise, no more."

"I promise too." He smiled as you wrapped your pinky around his. "I've got you now, baby. Don't worry anymore."

"We're okay?"

"We're okay. Better than okay. We're perfect, everything's perfect." He assured as he kissed your head. "No more worrying. You can rest now."

"We're not in our bed though."

"Do you want to go across the hall to our bed?" He asked as he stared at you.

"No." You said, yawning as you snuggled up to him. "I'm okay as long as you hold me all night."

"I will, baby." He said as he rubbed your back.

He turned the lamp off and kissed your head again as he put his head back on the pillows and started to fall asleep.

"And I won't let you go. I love you so much."

"I love you more, baby." You told him as you fell asleep.

And he just smiled, mumbling as he drifted off to sleep with you that he loved you most.

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