Ch28--Rise of the King P1

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A/n: The worst part about trying to write six or seven stories at once is I gotta remember wtf is going on every time. Also this song ^^^ PEAK. PeRiOd. I've loved this since I heard it like two years ago shit popped up on my feed the day it came out. Enjoy.

The coronation was upon you before you knew it, Alastor was digging you from your sleep, though it wasn't without protest. Lilith had requested that everyone be awake early, even Stolas was going to roll up to the palace at the break of dawn.

"Come on Mel." Alastor urged, his hands sliding over you back.

"No~" you moaned into your stuffed goat, still weary with tiredness. 

You heard Alastor let out a quick sigh before he continued, you felt his hands pull you toward the side of the bed, and by the time you realized what he was doing it was too late to stop him. Alastor quickly stood you on your feet, making you glare at him. 

"I hate you." you mumbled, making him chuckle. 

At least he was feeling better. Whatever had been making him upset for the past few days had clearly been resolved.

"Hate is a strong word dear," Alastor smiled, taking your hands in his own as he started to dance you around the room, "It's only morning, there's a long, beautiful day in hell ahead of us. Try to look alive." Alastor smiled as he walked you towards the bathroom.

"You're one to talk about looking alive." You snorted.

"Someone's grumpy." Alastor smiled, earning a sharp glare from you as you took a moment to pee. Alastor continued to talk sweet bullshit as he started a shower for the two of you. You quickly joined him and pulled your hair out of the messy bun you had left it in the night before. 

Once the two of you were clean, you and Alastor stood there for a moment, his arms wrapped around you, neither of you saying a word as you stood beneath the hot water in the shower. After a few moments, you let out a sigh and started to move again, leading Alastor out of the shower.

You hadn't told him, but you and your parents had debated naming Alastor a prince this evening, and with the way things were leaning, it was becoming more likely. But it was a conversation between your father and Alastor, so thankfully, you didn't have to explain it to him. 

But, you neglected bringing the topic up if at all possible while you and Alastor got dressed. The minutes passed like seconds before you heard knocking on the door. After you called for them to come in, Zandri ran into your room with a smile on her face.

"Today's the big day!~" She sang with a smile as she wrapped you in a hug that you happily returned, "You're gonna have so much fun~ the sun is out! Come on, both of you!" Zandri smiled, breaking away to embrace Alastor aswell. While you knew he wasn't one for physical touch, unless it was you, he returned the embrace with heart anyway. Zandri then grabbed your hand the moment you'd thrown your freshly dried hair back into a messy bun on the top of your head.

She led you out of your room at a fast pace, Alastor followed, but much slower, clearly in no hurry.

When you got downstairs, you could smell all sorts of wonderful things. Laughter and loud conversations echoed throughout the castle, originating from the kitchen. As you rounded the wall and saw the barstools, you saw Kelsey, Athena, Stolas and all of your friends and family. Each wearing a smile as they talked for what seemed like the first time in forever. Lucifer and Lilith stood behind the bar and around the island, happily cooking and having their own conversation where the rest of the group was on the other side of the barstools and sitting at the table that was nearby. 

Alastor had asked why you had two separate dining tables, and you'd explained a few months ago that this one was specifically for things like this. Or just when you and your family were eating. It wasn't often everyone was home while the others were eating, but when you were, you ate together down here.

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