Ch--29 Rise of the King p2

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A/n Trust me, the nightcore version is better. ^^^

As you watched Lucifer and Lilith step out from behind the curtians, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by emotions. Beside Alastor, you felt completely safe, although you knew that your safety was anything but guaranteed. In all honesty, you were more worried about Hayden. Eridah was right, the young girl was never intimidated by anything, much less her own father. When you heard the room fall silent, the doors soon opened, when they cracked open, you saw Blitz and Moxie for a moment, Millie stood at the end of the carpet on your left, closest to Alastor, Marlowe stood on the right side of the carpet, closest to you. And as you and Alastor started to walk, you heard the gossip.

"There's never been this much security before."

"She's pregnant and Val tried to kill her, what do you expect?"

"Are they seriously planning on crowning the radio demon?"


"Is Lucifer stepping down?"

"I doubt it."

You let out a breath and squeezed Alastor's arm as you walked, trying to calm your nerves. Since the hour that Alastor would be crowned had begun, an awful feeling had settled in your stomach.

Lift your head Melinoë. Lucifer's words shot through your head, making your eyes snap back up to him.

Can't you feel it?

Yes, but you better not give them the satisfaction of knowing that you're nervous.

I can't help but be nervous daddy, there's rumors of a rebellion with the power to take you and the sins down. I'm worried.

You'll be okay, I won't let anything happen to you.

I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about you, Al and Momma.

I promise it'll be okay, no matter what happens. Just trust us. Lucifers final response reached you as you and Alastor hit the bottom of the stairs. Lilith began to speak, but you could hardly pay attention, you only responded when she gestured for you to join your father. Alastor then stood alone before the queen as she recited the oath, to which Alastor responded approperiately, Lucifer then picked up the crown and approached Alastor, speaking largely to the crowd, then requesting that Alastor kneel to recieve the crown.

"From this day forth, until she is ready to take over, you will serve beside my daughter as the Prince of Hell. Rise and face your new subjects." Lucifer directed, prompting Alastor to rise and turn. Immediately, he was met with applause and loud cheers. You noticed he was holding eye contact with one demon in particular. A tall well built demon, his skin was black and adorned with golden tattoos, long silky strands of snow white hair cascaded down his back. You approached Alastor, joining him once more as you gave him a concerned look before looking back at he black demon. He made eye conact with you, golden eyes piercing your skin before he turned away again.

"Are you okay?" you asked softly, prompting Alastor to turn, he gave you a smile and placed a daring kiss on your lips.

"I'm perfectly fine." Alastor assured, making you give a small smile as you both turned to join Lucifer and Lilith on the thrones. Alastor took his seat next to Lucifer, and you next to Alastor. Both you and Alastor adopted the same gesture your parents had. Your hands joined between the armrests as you waited for a moment to leave.

Of course, Lucifer was bombarded with questions regarding you and Alastor, so you promptly leaned over to Alastor and informed him of what you were doing. As you rose from your seat, eyes followed you, including your parents, although they never said anything about it.

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