Ch36- Way Down We Go.

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I lied, it's fixed :) I can publish things now. 

It had almost been two months exactly since Mel and Lucifer had disappeared. Day in and day out, it was the same process, try and fail to get Hayden to break her silence, about a hundred petty issues between overlords, the mafia situation was still in no better position.

And Malcom was still being stubborn.

Not really stubborn, more of just a prat.

Every now and then, I found myself wandering towards the nursery, Mel had spent countless hours inside decorating and furnishing the room, to the point where she often stayed inside of it during the day.

Most days when I would return from the hotel or the radio station, she'd be asleep on the bed inside, wrapped up in blankets.

How I missed her so, I had faith that she was alive, Lucifer would make sure of it, but it didn't stop me from wishing every day that they would return. Even as I thought about it, I found my feet leading me to the room, after two months, I had to admit, I was beginning to lose hope.

Charlie had returned only two weeks after the coronation, and she'd said that Lucifer and Mel were alive and well.

But that was a month and a half ago.

Even Eridah had become less adamant that Lucifer would return any day.

Lilith was only growing worse.

She'd recently come down sick with a mystery illness, she was unable to keep food down, ached constantly, and was running a fever.

Yet, she still had no infection, no virus, nothing that would cause her suffering. Stolas and I had regularly been checking on her, it had been several days since she'd been able to eat. We were all worried about her.

"Alastor." When I heard my name I paused. I quickly realized I was leaning on the doorframe to the nursery, simply staring at it.

When I turned, I was rather surprised to see Vaggie.

She turned to the nursery and looked back at me. "I miss her too." She breathed, making me roll my eyes. It wasn't like Vaggie ever saw Mel outside of the rare occasion she came to the hotel. "Charlie and Stolas are asking for you." Vaggie said simply, making me let out a sigh as I turned to find the two.

Vaggie followed slightly behind, but she couldn't keep her silence.

"I've never seen you like this. Are you sure you're okay? I mean, I get that you miss her, but Alastor, this is- you're dead silent most days."

"Well it's not like I'm a chatty person in general." I shot back in a plain tone. "There's a lot on my plate and I could fake a smile, but right now, I'm just not too thrilled with life." I said sharply, making the woman look down.

Take a fucking hint. I snarled internally, reaching the stairs and silently descending them. Stolas was in the corridor outside the ballroom, along with Charlie, quietly talking. They turned as they saw me, and by the looks on their faces, I knew it wasn't anything good.

Likely about Lilith if I had to guess.

"How is she?" I asked in a calm tone as soon as I grew near.

"Not any better than she was yesterday. Ozzie is here now though, he's taken time away from his manufacturing to watch over her so that we can have a chance to check on other affairs."

"There's nothing much to check on that we haven't already."

At this, Charlie spoke up, "Well yes, but I think it would be a good idea for you to get out of the castle." Charlie said kindly.

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