~Chapter 4~

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"Now..." you started, "before anything else, you should take a shower and put some clothes on... you reek of alcohol." You said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. Satoru smiled slightly.

"Put on some clothes? Do you not enjoy the view?" He asked teasingly, making you chuckle slightly.

Satoru smirked cheekily, leaning back against the couch and spreading his arms wide as if to show off his impressive physique. Though he has become skinnier the last week, his body still looked... well... attractive. He was always attractive to you, no matter what. "I suppose I can't blame you for staring." You rolled your eyes playfully, glad that the old Satoru was back.

Satoru chuckled softly as you laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, you did say you wanted things to go back to how they used to be," he pointed out. "And I'm pretty sure that involved me wearing more than just a pair of boxers." He stood up then, stretching languidly before cracking his knuckles and yawned widely enough to show off his perfectly straight white teeth. The sound of it you me shiver slightly.

"All right," he said with a smile that promised both mischief and mayhem."I think it's time for round two between us."

You smiled and nodded in agreement, watching Satoru walk to the bathroom. As he opened the door, he paused, as if thinking of something. His ears and cheeks then turned soft pink. Was he... flustered? You tilted your head slightly in confusion.

"Something wrong, Satoru?" You asked.

"I... uh..." Satoru smiled weakly, the pink contrasting on his pale skin. "Wanna join me?" Your face turned pink too, and you were slightly surprised at how shy Satoru looked when he asked. You remembered how he'd just carry you to the shower with him whenever he felt like it back then.

"Just an innocent little shower." Satoru reassured.

Satoru's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of pink as he realized how his words might have come across. "I didn't mean it like that," he said quickly, hoping to ease the tension between you two. "I just... I thought maybe you could help me wash my back or something since I can't really reach it on my own." He gave a small chuckle then, trying to make light of the situation.

"Are you sure?" You asked softly, still surprised by his sudden shyness and sweetness. It was so unlike him - but then again, maybe this is what he had been hiding all along beneath that arrogant exterior; a vulnerability that only few people ever got to see. "I mean..." you looked up at Satoru shyly, "I don't mind helping you out." You said with a soft smile. Satoru looked very adorable when he was flustered, you wanted to see that side of him more often.

Satoru's heart skipped a beat as he watched you smile up at him. He was still trying to process everything that had happened in the past few days - let alone hours. But one thing was for sure: he didn't want this moment with you to end anytime soon. As you made your way into the bathroom, his mind drifted back to those early days when you two first met and started training together; how you would tease him relentlessly about being weak despite being able to do things most ordinary people couldn't dream of doing on their own... And yet here you were now - both stronger than ever before but somehow also seemingly incapable of resisting each other.

Satoru followed your lead, moving carefully through the small bathroom space. He turned on the shower head, warm water falling from it. He stripped himself off his boxers and entered the shower space, then waited for you to join in as the warm water trickled down his body. You stared at him. He managed to look so handsome all the time. You began to strip off your clothing and joined him as well.

As you began to help him with his back, he let out a soft sigh of relief as your soft hands gently massaged the smooth muscles along his shoulder blades. "Ah... that feels better than I thought," he groaned softly, trying not to make any kind of funny or embarrassing noise in front of you. He closed his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to fully immerse in this sensual experience; this moment between you two that was both intimate and vulnerable at the same time..

He smiled softly when you two finished washing each other up. You stepped away from him, and Satoru admired the sight before him: your wet hair clinging to your neck and shoulders like strands of precious silk; every curve and contour accentuated by the water droplets glistening on your skin like diamonds..

"I guess you can say I'm just lucky enough to have such an attentive partner," he murmured teasingly as he handed over a towel for the two of you.

"And who would've thought that 'the strongest' would need such an attentive partner." You smiled teasingly, wrapping your body with the towel. "Speaking of strength," you said as your hands brushed against his wet chest playfully,"you seem to have lost quite a bit during our little break-up there."

Satoru chuckled softly, his eyes flickered up to meet yours. "Yeah... I guess you could say that my curses weren't quite as effective during those days," he admitted sheepishly before shrugging slightly. "But what can I say? You really have no idea how much of a toll our little spat took on me," he said with an exaggerated sigh. He paused briefly then, looking at you thoughtfully before continuing with a slight smirk, "I suppose it's safe to say that our little 'break-up' was just a small hiccup in our relationship - nothing more." His tone was laced with sarcasm and arrogance, but there was also an underlying warmth and affection there; a nostalgia for the simpler times between them when you two were both just two young sorcerers trying their best to navigate this crazy world..

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