Part 2

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The Colemans are in an office with the head nun, Sister Abigail. They'd originally wanted to adopt just Esther, but upon finding out she and Mercy were fraternal twins, they decided they couldn't separate them.

"They're originally from Russia, but it's amazing how strong their English is. They've only been in the country a few years." 

"How often do you get children from other countries?" 

"It's rare. But when we do, it's sometimes difficult to place them." Sister Abigail explains. "The family that brought the girls to America died in a house fire."

"In a fire? My God." They were prepared to potentially hear some sad stories of course. But to be adopted from another country only to lose your entire family in a fire? It's a wonder those two are as well adjusted as they seem!

"Esther and Mercy barely got out. they've been through a lot, but these are extraordinary little girls. They're both very bright. They're very mature for their age. Esther especially. And they're very well-mannered. They're a bit princessy, actually. they wear those ribbons all the time. The only time we had trouble with either of them was when we tried to take them off."

"How do they get along with other kids?"

"Oh, when Esther has to interact, she's great. Mercy tends to fallow her sister's lead most of the time. But when she interacts with the other girls one on one she's a sweetheart." That seems to track. It was obvious Esther was the leader. "Esther really did seem to open up with us."


"I thought she more than opened up with you. You seem to have made quite a connection. Mercy didn't seem too far behind either. I could get the paperwork together and see you back here in three weeks." Good. They have some arrangements to make. That bedroom they have already prepared needs to be redone for two.

"Call me if you need anything. Bye." The nun bids the four farewell when, three weeks later, they exit the home for the final time. On the way home Kate teaches the girls to introduce themselves in sign language.  

"Is this your house? It's beautiful." Mercy stares wide eyed at the large home. "Now it's your house too." John is glad his new daughters are so eager to settle in and meet their new siblings.

A younger girl runs up to them and Kate becomes more animated in her facial expressions and gestures. "Hi, Sweetie. Hi. Look who's here." As usual, Esther takes the lead and introduces herself. "Hello, Max. My name is Esther."  Max is thrilled the older girl took the time to learn sign. She then notices the other girl. "I thought I was getting only one sister?" She signed to her mom in evident confusion. They'd kept this fact a secret. It was hard, but they knew the kids' reactions would be worth it. Mercy starts to sign. "Hello Max. My name is Mercy." She gives her new sister a big smile, which is returned. "They've both been practicing the whole way.

"Can she hear?"Mercy gives her twin a look. "Esther, that's rude!" John can't help but snicker. This is the first time Mercy has been assertive toward Esther. "It's ok." Kate assures them. "Max can hear a little. She was born almost completely deaf. That just allows her to hear enough to read lips." She says the last part indicating Max's hearing aid. Kate and the girls head into the house. John realizes he's stuck carrying both suitcases. "That's all right, I got it." He says sarcastically.

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