Part 3

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All five enter the house. Two people are waiting for them. One is an elderly woman, obviously the grandmother. The other is a boy of about ten or eleven. He doesn't look very excited. "I'd like to introduce you to Grandma Barbara." She greets her new granddaughters warmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Esther and Mercy curtsy. Barbara is charmed. "That's precious." She returns the curtsy. It doesn't come off as well since she's wearing pants.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too." And "likewise." The girls reply. 

"Danny. This is Esther.  And this is Mercy." 

"Hello, Daniel." Rather than a verbal greeting, Mercy attempts to hug Danny. He avoids her embrace, resulting in a hurt look. "Hey." Is all he says. Then he whispers, rather loudly, "Why do they dress like that?" John gives him a look. "Come on. Stop it."

"I'm just asking a question." He doesn't get the big deal. He just wants  to know why the girls were wearing such odd outfits. Esther and Mercy are wearing old fashioned dresses. Esther's was a dark blue and had detailing on the collar. Mercy has chosen a dark green, full skirted number with  buttons down the front.

The blonde spots Kate's piano and runs over to it excitedly. "Oh! You have a piano?" 

 "Yeah. Would you like to learn how to play?" Mercy shakes her head. "I already know how." Kate can't help the look of disappointment that briefly crosses her face. "I would love to learn." Says Esther. Kate brightens again.

They finally come to the girls' new room. Those three weeks were just enough time to trade in the furniture they'd bought for a bunk bed, a two person desk and a larger dresser. The room is decorated in pink and white. 

"Do you like it?"

"It's perfect" Mercy agrees. She then turns to Esther and asks "So how do we decide who gets what bunk?" The adults leave them to it. 

The family are in the living room. Everyone except Danny is gathered around Mercy and Esther as they open gifts. Danny is playing a video game with a friend. He really doesn't seem to care that he's missing an important family moment. Esther unwraps a book on sign language. "Thank you. How do you say "thank you"?" Kate shows her. Mercy unwraps her gift from Max. The little girl had gotten two gifts for her "new sister" so one is given to each with the idea that they can share. The gift is an activity book full of game and craft ideas. "Thank you." She signs. 

"Dad, look.... Dad." Danny is annoyed his father isn't paying attention. "Dad, look, I'm killing Trevor." 

"Great." John says before turning back to see the girls unwrap two easels. "Thank you."

"Yes. Thank you so much."

"Come on, Dad. My solo's gonna end. Hurry, look." John gives the screen a quick glance. "Wow, cool." Distracted by his annoyance at being ignored, Danny ends up losing the round. "Trevor, you suck."

"Shut up." The boys head outside to Danny's tree house.

"Esther, Mercy and Maxine seem to be getting along well." Barbara observes. She and Kate are in the kitchen. The three girls can be seen out the window. Max is being pulled around the yard on a sled, with Esther and Mercy each holding a rope. They're all having a great time.

"Yeah." Kate agrees. "How's she doing, Kate?"

"Max? She's happy to have two new sisters." That isn't what the older woman meant. "I meant the accident. She's playing by the pond like nothing ever happened. She doesn't remember, does she?"

Kate hates being reminded of that awful day. "No. She's fine." She says quickly. Barbara pivots to another tense subject. "So, what are your plans?"

"You know, probably  get Esther and Mercy settled then go back to teaching." Kate previously taught piano at Yale. "Thought they weren't gonna take you back."

"No, I'm not talking about Yale. I'll just... I'll probably give lessons from home." 

"That's too bad. That was a very good job." Typical mother in law. "Well, I didn't quit because I wanted to."

"I know. You had to have your moment of clarity." 

"That is an A.A. term. And I didn't go to A.A. I just stopped drinking."

"Same difference. We all need a wake-up call 

Esther and MercyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang