They changed him

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its a........ DRAMATIC ONESHOT BEWARE also slowburn love? hm maybe

I love drama also torture warningggg

Spiderman. A young hero. A jokerster always making people laugh. A kind person.

Spiderman. Was a young hero. Was a jokerster always making people laugh. Was a kind person.

Spiderman hasnt been spotted in a month where is he.

Spiderman. A young person who was a hero, A jokerster always making people laugh, A kind person Until they disappeared.


Peter parker. A nerd. A friend. A caring person. A orphan.

Peter parker. Was a nerd. Was a friend. Was A caring person. Was A orphan.

Have you seen this person?
Peter B. Parker

Peter parker. Missing without a trace and no one knows when he disappeared.


Peters POV
one moment I was walking to school, the next I was surrounded by people in a dark uniform with a single logo.

Hydra's logo. As I realized that I looked around for a place to run there was no where to go other then to fight.

I got them good but they also were able to inject me with something.

It went black.

then there was light and I was slowly waking up on a cold surface....

I slowly started looking around "subject is awake" I heard before light was shined into my eyes

I flinched as someone snapped their fingers right next to my ear. They were checking my vitals.

Where was I. That thought was stuck in my head as my vision slowly got clearer.

I tried to sit up but couldnt something was bonding me to the cold surface.

It was a table I was bound to.

"Wha" I said as it felt weird to talk.

"inject subject with experiment 31A" a loud crackly voice said making me think it was said over some kind of speaker system

"wait what" I said as I saw one of the people pick up a needle filled with a glowly blue substance and was turning towards me "what are you doing" I said panicking as I tried to get away the bonds starting to break

"hold him down" the person with the needle said as four armed people came into view and held me down as the person then injected me with whatever it was

"place him in the observation cell" the crackly voice said and then the person grabbed another needle and injected me with that and slowly I started to get more and more tired before drifting asleep


I woke up next in a plain white cell. this time I wasnt bound.


A week later they took me back to the room and injected me with experiment 44H.

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONESHOTS PART 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora