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"Uhg... Where Am I..?" I murmured, I sat up and looked around, I'm in Sierra's room.

"Good morning shortie!" Sierra giggled
"HUH!? I'm not short!!!" I blurted out
"Oh don't lie to yourself Cody, you know your short!" She yelled, she was still giggling just a little bit more now.
"No I'm not! Your just freakishly tall!" I retaliated back at her, She knew this was a joke. She dramatically paused with her eyes widened then gasped

"Oh how dare you!" She said jokingly, Still trying to hold back a laugh.
I couldn't help it and I just erupted laughing. Once I had finally stopped laughing I asked, "no but for real, why am I on your spare mattress in your room?"
"Did you seriously forget how you fell asleep in my car-? You woke up for a solid 30 minutes then went back to sleep! Maybe my new nickname for you should be brainless!" She said laughing hysterically

"Oh c'mon Sierra! You know how I get when I'm tired!" I then paused dramatically,
"Cough, Cough, tall, Cough, Cough,"
"Oh shut up!" She said still smiling along with the joke, it seemed like she was focused on something, but I didn't know what yet, So I got up and walked over.
"Something caught your eye Sierra?" I asked her in a confused voice.

"Oh no its just job hunting.. aga-!" She had cut off her eye now been scanning a flyer, it read, " ----- Café is now re-opened after being bought! We are looking for new staff, So come on and join us down at ----- Café!"

"Oh, that's a nice place! I've been there a few!" I Remarked thinking about the lovely food and service.
"Yes, But.. is the pay good?" She was questioning me now as Tyler and Beth worked there

"Yeah Tyler said it was.. hm.. around 17 bucks an hour and its pretty good for a server," I said, It's pretty reasonable, However Tyler's work is good there so I can't expect to be payed 17 Bucks and hour straight off the bat..

"No, I wanted to know what Beth was getting payed too." She said in a stern tone of voice with her eyes now gazing at me, I never thought I'd say it but, stern Sierra is creepier than I'd originally thought..

"Oh yeah! Let's see here.. hm.. I'm gonna call her really quick.." I said while speedily typing her number in
"Oh you have Beth's number!!" Sierra exclaimed gleefully
"No I dont" I said sarcastically,
"Oh Come on, We don't need another Noah around here!" She pointed out
"Just give me her number, she seemed nice!" She said staring at me intensely

"Okay, Okay! once I'm done talking to her.." I said, Caving to Sierra as I know she will never let me win that argument with her. I walked out of Sierra's room and walked to her bathroom, I know Sierra's house pretty well as I spend alot of time over at her mom's house, Were best friends after all!

-Ding Ding-
-Ding Ding-
"Cody! Whatcha need!"
A girl with a small lisp started speaking on the other side of the phone
"Yeah Hello Beth!"
"Yup Hello too! Now what do ya need??"
"Well me and Sierra have been job hunting and are thinking of going to your Café!"
"Oh ----- Café?"
"I work at different place now as I got experience and the pay was better.."
"But don't get me wrong! Loved the Café! Just couldn't afford alot while it was getting bought, So I switched!"
"Ah okay! Any chance you remeber the pay at all?"
"Hm.. well for a Chef it was 23 Dollars but the more you work the higher the money gets as you become better! Now for a batista it was around 21 and 23 if you were good a presentation!"
"Okay thank you Beth I really needed to know. BYE!"
"Bub - Bye now Cody!"

"Okay Sierra! I know the pay!"

| • • • |

Is Everyone Enjoying It So Far? Good! Sorry For The Interruption I Just Needed To Say, Time Skips Will Either Be Portrayed As | --- Hours Later| Or |• • •|
The 2nd One Just Means Not A Specific Amount of Time! Thanks For Reading This! I'll Let You Get On Now.

I abruptly left the bathroom and went back to Sierra's Room. But 10 minutes into out conversation I looked down at my buzzing phone, It was my dad...
'7 MISSED CALLS!? I'm dead..."
I would read the messages in my mind
'Where are you.'
'Come home now!'
15 Minutes later
'Boy! Where are you!'
'We have a whole house for you to clean ya know!?'
"Sierra..?" I said dreadfully
"Yes Cody?"
"Can you drive me home?"
"Sure, I don't see why not.."

This is the end of this Chapter! I left you on a cliff hanger, what will happen to cody? Only I shall know for now! This chapter Is pretty short I know, It's 3:46 and I have skl so I'll leave you there for now! I might make a p2 of this chapter probably not so, enjoy where I got to!

Word count : 861 words.

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