Im sorry dad..

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Tw: this includes abuse verbally
and mentally. You have been warned. I apologise if you cannot read this chapter due to that warning. I know I done this but it hurts to have to write it again. poor cody-

I jumped out of Sierra's car, I grabbed my phone said thanks then went to open my house door, just before I entered I heard glass shatter, "Yup dads awake.." I thought to myself dreading entering, it felt like years of standing, listening, but infact it was seconds.

I open the door as quietly as possible and try to avoid all the shattered beer bottle glass because its a bit strong than others.

I try going up stairs but on the 2nd stair..




I forgot about the 7th step...

"CODY IS THAT YOU!?" My dad yelled up at me
"Uh.. Yes!!" I replied as I walked down the creaky steps once more.
"WHERE WERE YOU YOU DISGRACE!" I heard my dad screech as I got down to the bottom of the stairs, I saw him waddle drunkenly over, What did he want, he dosent care when I go to Sierra's, or anywhere for that matter.
"I went out with Sierra last night and fell asleep.." I said with my head down because eye contact will just make it worse.

"YOU NEED TO TELL ME AND YOUR MOTHER YOU FUCKING IDIOT" He was still screaming at me, but it was nothing new. Just as I thought he was done he kicked me to the floor. The glass on the floor was digging into my palms and legs, my dad kicked me down further and kept his foot on me, this time the glass pierced my palms, lower arms, thighs and back. I felt my tears welling in my eyes.

"I'm sorry dad.." I Whispered under my breath,
"You are no fucking son to me. Your a mistake! YOUR A SHITTY IDIOTIC DISGRACE TO THIS FAMILYS NAME, CODY." He screamed with pure rage in his eyes.

I felt a small tear roll down my cheek, I knew this would anger my dad more and that he wasn't done with me.

"YOUR A PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A CHILD" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"I'm sorry.. dad." I croaked, my voice was shaky and I was flinching as he poured the rest of his almost full beer on me then smashed the bottle over my head.

"Get me another beer then get out of my sight." He barked at me. It was like if he snapped his finger I would need to do anything for him like a dog. However I didn't have a choice in this anymore so I trembled to my feet then limped over to the fridge, picked up a beer and took one careful step at a time.
"HURRY UP BOY!" My dad exclaimed at me.

"I'm coming.." I said as I continued to waddle over when I finally reached my dad I handed him the beer.
"You need to get stronger you pathetic excuse of a male." My dad scolded me.
"O-Okay.." I Hesitated. I just couldn't take it anymore, I raced up the stairs not even caring about the creak after creak. I took out my now shattered phone, I looked at it in disbelief and shock. I pressed the on button, no response.
"M-maybe it just needs charged!" I hopefully said.

I took off my shirt and wrapped myself up the best I could then fell into bed without changing. I couldn't change anyways, My arms ached to much it was agony and I could barely take my t-shirt off.

I woke up to.. my phone buzzing? it was working luckily.. I picked it up feeling energetic, wasn't to out of the ordinary. "Hello? This is Cody Anderson"
I said feeling wide awake, even though it was 4:45 in the morning.

"Hello this is Chris Mclean! I am calling to say, you, Cody have been invited to join us on Total Drama Island!" The unknown number had announced,
"Are you sure!? I made it!?" I said, beaming with glee.
"Yup Codemeister you sure did!" He proudly announced again.
"Welp I have other campers to get to I kinda forgot to do it earlier.. so.. Go to ----- Beach at 1:30 Am sharp! Don't be late or my shabby red boat might just miss ya!" He berated.
"I'll make sure to be early then! Thanks and bye!" I yelled hanging up the phone and slamming it on my bedside table.

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