Chapter 26

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Craig finds Tolkien in the kitchen staring at the counter with his head down.

"Rich boy."

Tolkien looks up and takes a deep breath. "Oh, hey. I was just about to take this water up to him. Where's your uh.."

"My boyfriend is with Clyde right now."

"Right." Tolkien looks back down at the water.

"Why are you doing this to him?"


"You like him. He likes you. Why are you avoiding going further? You know he didn't want to hurt you. This is tearing him apart."

"It just isn't going to work."

"Bullshit!" Craig grabs Tolkiens shirt and pulls him towards himself. "That's fucking bullshit and you know it. Stop being a privileged asshole for once in your goddamn life. That guy needs you right now so get off your fucking high horse and be there for him. You owe him that much after getting him kidnapped."


Craig releases Tolkien. "And thanks for saving him."

Craig turns around. Before he walks out Tolkien speaks. "You don't get it."


"You don't understand. You saw what they did to him, and you seem to understand it was my fault. So tell me, in what logical world would it make sense for me to be with him. If he's with me this will happen again and again. He is safer without me."

"No, you live in a maximum security house with half the town eating out of your hand. The safest place in this fucking state is with you. He got kidnapped when he was away from you, right? You were fighting so he was reckless. Quit the righteous act and be a decent fucking human."

"It's not that simple!"

"Except it is."

"No, this is far more complicated than you are assuming that it is."

"Oh yeah? Then tell me. You love him, he loves you, what's complicated about that?"

Tolkien pauses. "It's because I love him that I have to-"

"Jesus fucking Christ dude! Shut up about that! He NEEDS you right now." Craig turns toward the doorway. "Decide where you stand. You're the only one who can help him right now."

After Craig walks out Tolkien sits on the floor with his back to the wall and his head on his bent knees. "Fuck..."


"Come on Tweek, we need to get home." Craig says from the doorway of the guest bedroom.

Tweek nods. "Okay. We will see you tomorrow, Clyde. Text if you need anything, okay?"

Clyde smiles. "Okay. Thanks again for everything you guys... you two really helped... and Tolkien too..."

Craig folds his arms. "Good luck, Clyde."

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