Chapter 33

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The next morning Clyde woke up to the town covered in a quiet blanket of bright snow. To his left, neatly in the center of the nightstand, a silver tray sat with pancakes, orange juice, a small container of syrup, and a note.

Clyde picked up the note first.

"I hope this isn't cold when you wake up. I know you like to sleep in so I made this a little later in the day. I thought you might enjoy waking up to breakfast instead of my mom bringing it to you like always.
This is my first time cooking breakfast on my own so I hope it doesn't suck.
I want to ask you to be my boyfriend. I thought about how to ask all night and this was the best I could think of without feeling too embarrassed.
I really like you, and I want to be with you.
Check the box below? Yes or no?"

Clyde snickers to himself. "He's like a lovestruck kid with this note..."

Clyde picks up the red pen on the tray and checks the 'yes' box, afterwards he draws a few hearts around the word. Once he puts it down he enjoys his breakfast. It was still warm.

Almost 20 minutes later Tolkien walks in, clearly fresh out of the shower. He had a conditioner cap on. What caught Clyde's attention the most was that he was shirtless.

"Hey, did you like your food?" Tolkien approaches the tray cautiously.

"I did, thank you!"

"No problem. By the way, the doctor says we can take off the bandage on your back today. You should be ready to go back to school tomorrow..."

Clyde exhales "Oh, thank god. I need to be around people again. I liked it here with you but being in bed all day is getting exhausting."

"It's exhausting to relax all day?"

"I need to do things! I can't just stay in one place all the time."

"Yeah, about that... are you sure you want to go back?"

"Yes! I'm actually excited to go to school for once!"

"But... Davis was there... are you not scared?"

"You said he got arrested. I'll be fine!"

"... I'm worried..." Tolkien admits quietly.

"Don't be, I'll be fine. And if anything happens I'll call you and you can come to my rescue." Clyde smiles.


"Don't you wanna take the tray?"

Tolkien hesitates before picking it up and carrying it out of the room. A few minutes later he pokes his head slightly back into the room with a cute smile. "Thank you." He says quietly.

"Hey, come here."

Tolkien approaches the bed and takes Clyde's hand. "What's up?"

"I love you, Tolkien."

Tyde - Friend for hireWhere stories live. Discover now