Movie Nights

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Movie Nights


Calum used movie nights as an excuse to force you into watching scary movies just so you would clutch onto him. He wouldn't even let you hold the popcorn anymore, since you jumped and spilled it everywhere. You knew he was smiling as you buried your head into his chest and tried to block out the movie. And so for that reason, you would constantly be slapping him the next day, just to get back at him. One time you even ignored him for three days straight because he laughed at you for screaming during the movie.


Movie nights between you and Ashton hardly ever consisted of actually watching movies. Most of the time you would show up at his flat, pop in the first movie on the pile, and spend the rest of the time making out on his couch. However, for those moments when his lips weren't attached to yours, you normally spent your time cuddling and watching comedies until your sides hurt from laughing so much. You were always the first one to fall asleep and he would never fail to carry you up to bed, falling asleep minutes later.


Movie nights had originally started out as something just for the two of you, until the boys started crashing it, coming over every Friday to interrupt. However, Michael found out that it was very effective for you two to just have a nice make-out session when the movie started. It always got the boys to leave. Eventually, they just stopped coming all together. Then your time was spent watching action and comedy movies and stuffing yourselves with pizza until you fell asleep at three, four, five in the morning, your body properly wrapped with his.


You and Luke had been having having movie nights since you gets were kids, and growing up definitely didn't change that. Liz practically thought of you as her own daughter, and didn't even question when you came over. You guys would always build a blanket fort in the living room and stayed camped in there for hours on end, watching nearly every movie known to man, and only getting up for food, to change the movie, and for bathroom breaks (and occasionally to chase each other around over something stupid).

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