💧Before The Portal Opens... 💧

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The two-day training is now over. And (Y/N) has never before been so glad for anything. Those days...were hell.

Ferien did teach her about the things she need. Believe it or not,she is going to be sent to the Demon Slayer universe! I mean- it's an exciting thought, to cross universes into an...anime world, is it? But that will mean more fighting for her life. And she sincerely thinks that she has enough of that to last her a lifetime.

But nooo. These 'The Committee' members don't think so. They really grinded her nose raw in these couple of days. On what? On sword-wielding. Every single day, new bruises are added to the many scars she already has, all because dearest Ferien doesn't know how to hold back in training. 

Did she mention the fact that a day is longer than 24 hours here? Yep. She estimates that a day here is equal to three days on her previous world. So imagine the pain and torture she just went through! Six days worth of blood, sweat and tears, and she didn't even ask for it!

Yet, all's well that ends well. She survived, thankfully, or she won't be standing here in front of the Committee with Ferien by her side. And her posture is much firmer than her previous self. Her body more toned, her hands holding more strength and possessing speed and stamina she has never before achieved.

"Well, she does look much more of a warrior now, Ferien," the person right in front of her comments. "Good work."

The silverett bows his head. "Thank you, my lady."

After the first day, (Y/N) is able to see underneath the hoods of the people who interrogated her. And she must say...she is impressed by how good-looking they are despite their ages.

Ferien kindly told her of this world she is in on the breaks she fortunately managed to have in between training. But she is interested in his higher-ups particularly. Their names, their ages, their role in this world...so on.

Thus, she finds out that:

Anawirith - The white-haired woman. From her observations, she is quite patient with people but doesn't tolerate tardiness and rudeness. Anawirith is perhaps the leader of the Committee, and a kind one as well. But her amber eyes flash with deadly malice at times, and (Y/N) doesn't know what to make of that. Ferien told her to shake it off, however, because he found out that she does have a certain...lust...for torture methods... And she thinks of such things sometimes which is why people catch that kind of shine in her eyes. As if that makes things better...

Blivaris - She's Anawirith's sister. Calm and composed just like Anawirith, basically a copy of said woman, except for the lusting part. Anawirith's right-hand, she assumes. Her eyes shine the gentlest of lavender whenever she spends her time playing the piano. (Y/N) never got to play the piano, though, much to her regret...

Valdemar - Just like his name suggests, he is a peaceful person, except that he is not a ruler of any sort. (Y/N) has to admit she does find darker-skinned guys very attractive, and this guy is not an exception. He leans more on the researcher side, where any kind of new information she will receive during her moment in another universe will be sent to him to be investigated. He is a silent guy most of the time, but as people often say, you never know when the calm ones will suddenly explode on you...

Silas - Another nerd. And if (Y/N) doesn't know any better, she would have thought that he is Blivaris's brother because of his white hair. Despite his outwardly calm appearance, she finds him to be easily flustered when he accidentally makes a mistake, and because his skin tone is quite pale, he turns red rapidly when such a situation occurs.

Lucian Oh my. Oh god. (Y/N) has now fallen in love at first sight... Nah, just kidding. But man, is this guy attractive as heck... Those long brown locks, those sharp green eyes... His cold personality... Yes, he is cold to basically everyone, but he cares. He really does. He just doesn't really like gestures of affections, and he fears that if he gets too close to others, they will start hugging him, slinging their arms around him, high-fiving him or anything of the sort.

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