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Dr. Mark: We're home!

Max: Finally we've been on the road for hours and I'm hungry (Looks at the house) Wow this place is huge!

Dr. Mark: Let go in

Max: Okay!

                          (Goes inside***)

Dr. Mark: Home not so sweet home

Max: 🤩 COOL!!!

???: Dad who's this?

Dr. Mark: Nora, this is max he'll be staying with us from now on

Max: Nice to meet you

Nora: Dad I don't want another boy here I'm already fed with this annoying one

David: HEY!! , my name's David the little beach you just met here's brother

Max: I don't know if you should be saying that at your age buy hey!

Dr. Mark: Nora, go show max his room so he can go freshen up

Nora: But dad...

Dr. Mark: Go

Nora: Fine (Glares at max angrily) Follow me💢

Max: Sure


Max: Wow you must be really lucky living in a house this big

Nora: Shut up

Max: O-Okay?

Nora: This is where you'll be staying for now

Max: Wow this place is bigger than I taught

Nora: What ever 🙄

                        10 MINUTES LATER...

Max: (Arranging his stuff)

Dr. Mark: Guys lunch is ready!

Max: Finally! I'm stumped (Runs to the dining room)

David: Hey max

Max: Oh hey David so what are we eating?

Dr. Mark: We're having ramen with a side of pork

Max: Really?!, my favorite

David: Cool! Mine too

Nora: (Comes in) Uhh

Max: Hey Nora

Nora: (Ignores him)

Dr. Mark: Nora he was talking to you

Nora: Whatever

                                      AFTER EATING...

Max: Thank you for the food (Bows)

Dr. Mark: Your welcome and stop doing like I'm some 78 year old man

Max: You sure do look like it

David: Hey max you wanna play some video games?!

Max: You have a video game set?... COOL!

                                  3 HOURS LATER...

Max: Damn I'm tired

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