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Max: 😨

Team A: 😨

Tom: hehe

P. Spear: Doesn't look so hard

Max: Easy for you to say! You got no arms and this is an arm wrestling contest!

Dr. Mark: (Smirks) (This would be easy!)

David: Wait! If you're participating in an event, u can't also be the referee!

Dr. Mark: (Gasp) (He's using my creation against me!) Oh yeah!

David: (Let's see how he'll cheat now) 

Dr. Mark: Fine... the computer can be the referee

Team A: Huh?

Computer: Hey guys! I'll be the ref from now on

Max: Hmm...

Tera: 😑 fine

David: (I don't trust computers)

Computer: The rule for this game is simple, the person who overpowers his/her opponent and slams the opponent's hand to a side if this table wins 20 points!

Team B: YEAH!!!

Computer: Representing team A, we have Max!

Max: Mhmm!

Computer: And representing team B...! Give it up for DR. MARK!!!

Dr. Mark: Yeah YEAH!!

David: Yeah I think we should give it up

Tera: (Oh no!)

Max: (I forgot Mark is our rival! Damn!)

Tom: Snap! Don't even think about winning!

Max: (Groans)💢

David: This is bad! Now we're definitely gonna loss

Tera: Hey don't u have faith in Max?

Max: I don't even have faith in myself

Tera: Let's not give up just yet, it's just the second round, we could still win this

Max: Yah think so?

Tera: I know so! Now get up there and lose this- I mean win this thing!

Max: Yeah! (Walks up to the arm wrestling table)

David: (Whispers: He's gonna lose right?)

Tera: Big time

Max: (Places his hands on the table) (Looks at Dr. Mark)

Dr. Mark: (Smirks in an evil way)

Max: (Swallows his saliva) (looks at David & Tera)

David & Tera: (Giving Max a thumbs up)😜

Max: (They believe I can do this! I should start believing in myself too! I just have to put my training to the test)

Computer: START!

Max: (Struggling to overpower Mark)

Dr. Mark: (Smirking)

Max: (Grunting)

David: Well that's painful to watch

Tom: Enjoy it while it lasts (Eating popcorn)

P. Spear: It'll only last for 30 seconds though

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