Conversations over tasty fish

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A stream of light from the early morning sun peeked through the crack of your tent flaps and landed on your drowsy eyes, blinding you until they adjusted. You rolled onto your back and stared up at the ceiling of your tent.

The smell of burning wood and fish reached your nose, making your mouth water. The cause of those smells was obviously Snufkin, who was rustling around outside of your tent.

You wondered about how that superhuman got up so early and when did he get up to be able to fish, find sticks, make a fire and cook the fish all while you were peacefully snoozing the first light of the day away, while you lazily, at a snail's pace, got up and got dressed.

Your face immediately scrunched as you were hit in the face with both the smoke from the fire and Snufkin's pipe as soon as you opened the flaps of your tent.

A sound of displeasure escaped your mouth, catching the attention of the pipe's owner. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" The mumrik turned to you.

"Too little." You grumbled and stumbled onto your feet. A yawn escaped your mouth as you stretched your muscles. Snufkin saw your contagious yawn and replied with the same.

You sleepily walked to the river and splashed the icy river water onto your face, which woke you right up. Refreshed, you walked back to the campsite and sat down next to the smoker.

"When did you get up?" You questioned the man after a little silence. "Around four hours ago, just before sunrise," Snufkin replied nonchalantly, while you flipped out. "Before sunrise?! How do you even-?! Do you even sleep?!" You had no words. How can he go to sleep at midnight and wake up before sunrise?! He probably slept for only five hours!

You stood up and walked around the fire two times in disbelief before sitting down again. "You're absolutely insane," you mumbled under your breath.

Snufkin chuckled at your disbelief. "I just don't like to waste the beautiful day away." The mumrik flipped over the grilling fish.

"Oh and, I forgot to ask you yesterday, what were you doing in the bushes..?" Now it was Snufkin's turn to question you. You slowly blinked at the question as your mind raced what to answer. To lie or not to lie?

"I uhm..." You finally set on telling the truth. "I saw a grass snake and wanted to examine it, but it slithered into the bushes and I followed and I got stuck," you quickly blurted out.

"You should've let it be." Snufkin blew out some smoke which floated to you, making your face scrunch again. "I know, I know, but I wanted to draw it. I mean, aren't grass snakes just so cute?" Your voice thinned at the end. "Their cute little yellow ears and black bead eyes..." You smiled, thinking about the cute little things.

Snufkin chuckled. "Yeah, I guess they are quite cute. So, you draw?" The man took out two plates. "Eh, from time to time, if I find something pretty or am inspired. I mean, there's no other way to remember something when you don't have a camera." You crossed your legs.

"Do you not remember things in your mind?" Snufkin put the two fish on the plates. "Well... Sometimes, but it's hard to see it like you did before. Seeing it visually makes me remember the moments better. Plus, if I die and somebody finds my sketchbook, they can see the amazing things I saw or experienced..."

Snufkin stayed silent for a moment before speaking up: "Do you want to be a famous traveler?" You thought for a moment. "Well... I'd like to be remembered after my death, not famous. Being famous while traveling is probably annoying. I mean, you can't even travel alone then! Right?"

"Yeah..." Snufkin replied, handing you a plate. "Thanks." You bit into the warm cooked fish, the taste blessed your taste buds. Damn, Snufkin is an amazing cook. "Mmm! This is great!" Snufkin smiled at your compliment. "Thank you."

A comfortable silence ensued as you both ate the delicious fish Snufkin had cooked up. You were so lucky to eat this amazing food.

"So, tell me about life in Moominvalley." You dried the dishes while Snufkin packed your tents. He was too nice and offered to take down your tent as well.

"Well, in short, it's very calm, but also packed with adventure. Everyone has their own personality and isn't afraid to be themselves, unlike some other towns I've seen. It's just a place where you can unwind and not fear being judged." Snufkin attached your tents to your bags as you finished drying off the dishes.

"And if not in short?" You gave Snufkin back his plates, which he quickly slipped in his bag. "Find out for yourself." You glared at Snufkin's smug grin. "Alright, but if I die because of something you didn't tell me, it's your fault." You threw on your rucksack and crossed your arms.

The mumrik stomped on the dying embers and quickly joined you as you were walking off already. "Where are you going? Moominvalley's that way." He pointed his thumb behind him. "Really?" You looked back. "I came through here." You pointed to the deer path you walked through the day you met the man clad in green.

"Is it interesting?" He turned his head to you, a smirk still on his face. "Yes, I'd say so." You shrugged. "Then let's go that way."


This is a shorter chapter, sorry about that. This was supposed to come out yesterday, but some Russian terrorist group threatened to bomb over 700 schools in my country, so you know, my writing kinda got delayed, plus I had guitar practice. Turns out it was fake and we're all alright. Anyways, I hope this was good, I'll try to update more frequently! (Oh, and the reader is kinda a self-insert you can change stuff in your mind or just tell me and I'll delete something) (Pic is from Pinterest as always)

One Waking Spring (Snufkin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now