The journey back

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Laughs echoed through the forest as the two vagabonds told each other their funniest stories and experiences. They bonded instantly. With no care in the world, they journeyed through the forest together like two old friends who met again. Something about the other's smiles and chuckles seemed familiar...

"Are you serious?! She really said that?!" You clutched your stomach, doubled over in laughter. "Yeah, then I fell off the bridge." Snufkin replied with a small smile. "Oh my God!" You gripped the man's shoulder for support. He wasn't used to this, but you brought something out of him.

Slowly, your giggles died down, and you two continued walking. You took deep breaths and wiped tears out of your eyes. "I think I'm going to have fun in this Moominvalley." You smiled, thinking of the fond memories you will make. "You sure will. I'm sure the residents will love you." The mumrik smiled, looking into your eyes. "I hope." Your smile widened as you looked into his.

You two continued their journey in comfortable silence before you broke it. "I don't say this often, but I think we're going to get along great." The mumrik didn't reply, but a faint smile lit up on his lips. He didn't understand why, but he thought the same.

After a bit, you reached a meadow where you had spent an entire day collecting flowers and just laying upon the warm sunlight. This wasn't uncommon for you.

The meadow was filled to the brim with various colourful spring flowers, bees, birds, and all kinds of small creatures scurrying about in the tall grass. The warm sunlight brightened up the meadow and made it even more beautiful, and the flowers even more vibrant.

You both stood at the edge of the meadow in awe until a playful smile ignited on your lips. Before Snufkin could even blink, you took off running. You were jumping and spinning around, scaring off the butterflies and bees who were collecting and feeding on the nectar of the beautiful flowers.

The corners of Snufkin's mouth twitched up at your childlike joy, and a sigh escaped his lips. But when he opened his eyes, you were gone. He glanced around for you, worried that you hurt yourself or something. Then he heard your giggles in the tall grass. Snufkin approached your fallen figure and sat down next to you.

"Exhaust yourself yet?" The mumrik smirked down at you. You let out an airy chuckle. "Yeah..." Your eyes shifted from him to the bright blue sky.

Snufkin laid down next to you and put his hat on his face. After a little while, his breathing slowed, and you heard quiet snores coming from under the hat. He fell asleep. You couldn't hold back a smile.

You got in a comfortable position on your side and played with little bugs and sprouts, your back turned to the sleeping man beside you. A warm fuzzy feeling sprouted from your lonely heart, filling your entire body with golden flames of happiness. Maybe finally you made a friend and maybe your lone aimless travels finally had a purpose.

You stood up and looked over the wide meadow, ready for a new adventure.

"Are we going already?" Snufkin's voice made you literally jump like a scared cat. "Whoa whoa whoa, no need to be scared." He chuckled, putting on his hat and sitting up.

"You interrupted my emotional inner dialogue," you crossed your arms, "but yeah. I want to get there before sunset."

"Alright," Snufkin sighed and slapped his thighs before standing up.

"You stand up like an old man," you voiced your thoughts accidentally.

"Maybe because I am."

"Really? How old are you?" You raised a brow.


"No way."

"Yes way. How old are you?"

"Seventeen. I don't believe you. If I had to guess, I'd say you were either a teenager or thirty-four."

"Why's that?" Snufkin raised his brows, surprised.

"You look like a teenager, but act and sound like a middle-aged man."

"Good to know." Snufkin threw on his rucksack.

A shiver went through your body as the sun got covered by heavy rain clouds.

"We should probably get going. I see a storm coming." Snufkin looked into the sky.

"Yeah- yeah, we should." You shivered again.

"Moominvalley isn't so far away. If we hurry, we might make it in time before the storm catches us." Snufkin was already heading towards the other side of the meadow, towards Moominvalley, but you didn't follow. A pair of eyes peeking from a bush near the path you just came from caught your eye.

"Come on, let's not stand around. Unless you want to get caught in the rain." Snufkin halted, waiting for you.

"Coming." You jogged to Snufkin's side and continued your journey.

The world got darker and darker, lighting the forest in a beautiful array of melancholic colours. A light smile curved your lips, seeing your breath come out in a white cloud. It reminded you of childhood when you used to pretend you were a dragon. It made you silently chuckle.

You stuck your hands in your pockets, relaxed and enjoying the beautiful nature until the smell of tobacco reached your nose. Your face scrunched. Snufkin was smoking again. You didn't even notice when he took out and lit his pipe.

As you breathed in more smoke, you noticed that it smelled unusual...

"Is your tobacco flavored or something? It smells like raspberries."

"It's dried and crushed raspberry leaves."

"Really? Are they good?"

"No, but I only smoke them on sundays."

"Alright..." You decided to not question him anymore. You didn't understand why smoke something that's not good, but maybe it was a gift or something.

A shiver ran through your body. It was getting increasingly colder as the storm started catching up to

you. And to add to that, the familiar ache of hunger settled in your stomach, reminding you that it was dinner time and that you missed lunch. You were hoping Moominmamma had something cooked up. Snufkin's soup was good, but not as good as Moominmamma's pie.

"We're close." Snufkin's voice broke you out of your thoughts. He was right. The path got steeper as you approached the gorge to the Lonely Mountain. Thinking about being curled up in Moomin house with a hot meal made your mouth water and boosted you with energy.

You didn't even notice when you approached the bridge, you were too caught up in your daydreams. But when you did realize, a bright smile stretched your lips.

"We're here!" You cheered.

"Snufkin's here!" A young voice replied. A white blob, you recognized as Moomin, ran out from the house and quickly was standing in front of you.

"Hello there, Moomin." A light smile tugged at Snufkin's lips.

The young Moomin calmed his excitement and crossed his arms, acting casual. "Hello, Snufkin." Then his eyes caught on you. "Y/N! I see you've met Snufkin!"

"Yes, yes, I have. Now... Say, do you have any food..?" Your question was met with laughter.

"Of course, let's go home!"

Your grin brightened as you followed Moomin and Snufkin into your new home, into your new life.

AN: AHHH!! Finally finished!! So sorry this took so long, my personal life and health have been tumbling downhill and I've been sooo damn busy. But I got sick (what a surprise) and had some days to rest, so I finally finished off this chapter! I've been having such major writing block...

Oh and, Moomin book readers, did you notice the reference I added? *wink* *wink* (As always, pic is from Pinterest)

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