The Demon: First Encounter

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(Drake's POV)

I was walking through the forest behind my house, I was about five miles from my house looking for deer. I was hunting on my own since, I, well, since I live on my own. During the day I work at the towns hardware store as manger.
As I was saying I was walking around the forest looking for deer about five miles out when it started to lightning and thunder but there was no rain. "Hm, that's strange, maybe there's just an upcoming storm and it will start raining in a bit," I said that's when lightning struck and fire started but then went out suddenly and there was a girl there, she had long black hair, beautiful black horns and big feathery fluffy black wings, big elf ears with the most piercings I've ever seen, and memorizing twilight gray eyes... Is-is this what love at first sight is like?

(Dusk's POV)
I was watching my human boy like I usually do from the underworld, when father caught me he said he was gonna send me there since I seemed to love him so much. With a quick blast of thunder and lightning and the raging fires burning my skin, I was there on earth. I was in a forest it was gloomy, just the way I liked it. I turn around my black wings fall to the ground, there he was my human boy.

haha, I got tired of my other story, I was getting writers block and I couldn't keep writing it so here we are, anyway, sorry this is short
NOTE: this book is not based on and actually thing it's just a figment of my lovely mind and imagination, so hope you enjoyed it <3

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