chapter 2 (My Human Boy)

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(Drake's POV)

     Is-is this what love at first sight feels like? "Um, excuse me, ma'am are you lost?" I asked looking at her, mesmerized by her appearance, God she's beautiful, I really do think I'm in love, and golly with a beautiful girl, I don't care what she is, all I know is I want her in my arms right now.

(A/N from now on it will be in Dusk's POV, unless I change it up for some reason)

(Dusk's POV)

     Wow, this is a beautiful forest, no wonder he spends so much time here. "Um, excuse me, ma'am are you lost?" drake questions, he's just staring at me now, oh my he noticed me. "No no, I'm right where I want to be, but it might start raining soon and I'm very far from my home, and I'm not allowed back, is there away I could stay with you?" I asked him, as I was talking I was walking closer to him, I'm now just six inches away from him... my human boy.
     He seems to be thinking about my offer and my, my, he's hotter up close, gosh he's so dreamy, then his voice cuts through my thoughts, "sure why not, you can stay with me as long as you need my dear, I'm Drake, Drake Winston, and who might you be?" my God that's a cute name. "I'm Dusk, Dusk Terror, it's a pleasure to be your acquaintance, Mr.Winston," I say looking into his dreamy, smoky blue-gray eyes, his thick, brown hair. Boy golly he's dreamy

 Boy golly he's dreamy

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That's all for this chapter, I'm ending it here because I'm about to school and it's good enough for now so hehe, anyways bye bye my dears <333

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