Chapter 1 - A Glimpse of Beauty

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The streets of Seongjin City were shrouded in the biting embrace of a cold, wintry wind as Kim Dan hurriedly made his way to his sister's home. His daily routine had trapped him in the mundane rhythm of work and responsibilities. However, on this particular evening, something extraordinary broke through the monotony.

The sky above was clear, and the full moon cast an ethereal glow upon the city, illuminating its beauty. In the midst of life's complexities, the city whispered that there was still enchantment to be found.

As Kim Dan walked down his familiar street, he was momentarily distracted by a small, crimson flower nestled at his feet. He picked it up, its fragile beauty captivating him. This flower was not native to Seongjin City, and it held a special allure. With care, he tucked it into his jacket pocket, cherishing the delicate blossom.

Upon reaching his sister's home, he unlocked the door and stepped inside. As expected, his sister greeted him with warmth and concern.

"You're back! I thought I heard your car pull up," she said, embracing him.

Kim Dan reciprocated the hug. "Yes, I'm back. Sorry for making you worry, unnie. I got caught up at work," he chuckled nervously, aware of the need for discretion. "How was your day? Did you manage to secure more clients?"

With a nod, Kim Dan continued, "I closed four deals today, and now I'll finally have the chance to take some time off." Then, a thought struck him. "Unnie, I haven't shared the news about my new job, have I?"

His sister blinked, surprised by the revelation. "No, you didn't mention it. But there's no rush. You can share when you're ready."

Grinning, Kim Dan offered, "Thank you, unnie! If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." He started to head to his room, but his sister's gaze held a lingering concern.

"Wait, Kim Dan," she began, her hand gently catching his sleeve. "What about Jung Hoseok? Lately, it seems he's been on your mind. Is everything alright between you two?"

Kim Dan's smile waned as he sighed. "We've hit a rough patch," he admitted, avoiding her gaze. "I hope we can work through it."

His sister nodded empathetically. "Relationships can be challenging, especially during the holidays. Just remember, family is here for you, no matter what."

With a bittersweet smile, Kim Dan retrieved the small crimson flower from his pocket and handed it to his sister. "I found this on my way home. A little Christmas gift for you," he said, the flower symbolizing hope and warmth amid personal trials. In the midst of challenges, love and joy still found their place during the holiday season.

He set the remaining flowers on his desk, beside the others received during the day. Soon, he lay down on his bed to rest briefly before beginning dinner. Amid the busyness of life, it was essential to ensure enough rest to stay on top of his studies.

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