Chapter 2 - Heartbreak

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Kim Dan entered his apartment, exhaustion weighing heavily upon him. As a university student, juggling projects and studying for exams took a toll. Today had been especially draining. He knew that it was time to regain control of his life, particularly after the whirlwind of emotions he'd experienced in high school and the heartbreak he endured.

Stepping out of his shoes, he headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Tonight, it was chicken stir-fry, one of his favorites. But there was an unexpected knock at the door, leaving Kim Dan puzzled.

Opening the door, he was greeted by the sight of his boyfriend, Jung Hoseok. They'd spent countless moments together, creating cherished memories, and he often relied on Kim Dan's culinary skills. However, something was amiss this time. Jung Hoseok appeared casual, his disheveled appearance and unease impossible to ignore.

Kim Dan observed these changes but allowed Jung Hoseok to speak. "Can I come in first?" Jung Hoseok asked, as if seeking shelter from a storm of emotions.

"Of course," Kim Dan replied, allowing Jung Hoseok to enter. Their moments together had been comfortable, often filled with companionable silence. However, this encounter carried an unsettling tension, and Kim Dan awaited an explanation.

As Kim Dan prepared refreshments, he noticed Jung Hoseok's subdued state. Jung Hoseok ate slowly, lost in thought, causing Kim Dan's concern to grow.

Finishing the meal, Jung Hoseok's gaze remained distant, a sign that something significant was amiss. Kim Dan, feeling increasingly uneasy, attempted to initiate a conversation, but Jung Hoseok remained unresponsive. Frustration and confusion mounted within Kim Dan, and he sighed before deciding to clear the dishes.

In an unexpected moment, as he reached for the plates, Jung Hoseok seized Kim Dan's arm with an unexpected grip. Bewildered, Kim Dan locked eyes with Jung Hoseok. It was Jung Hoseok who finally broke the silence.

"I think we should break up," he uttered hesitantly.

Kim Dan was stunned. "What? What are you saying?" he asked, his voice quaking.

Jung Hoseok sighed and admitted, "I think...we should break up. I've been seeing someone else."

Kim Dan's world crumbled. His heart raced, and it felt as if the ground had vanished from beneath his feet. He searched for a rational explanation, for any reason that could make Jung Hoseok's words make sense. But none came. He couldn't fathom that Jung Hoseok would betray him. There had to be a misunderstanding.

"Why?" Kim Dan finally managed to ask, his voice trembling.

Jung Hoseok shrugged, avoiding eye contact. "We can't keep dating anymore," he mumbled almost under his breath.

Growing desperate, Kim Dan needed answers. "Why?" he repeated.

Finally meeting Kim Dan's gaze, Jung Hoseok confessed, his eyes heavy with guilt and pain. "I just...can't love you anymore."

Kim Dan felt as if the world had collapsed around him. "That's absurd!" he protested vehemently. "You love me! I love you too!"

Jung Hoseok shook his head solemnly. "I'm sorry, but it's the truth."

Overwhelmed with pain and confusion, Kim Dan's eyes welled up with tears. "I can't believe this...get out," he said, his voice breaking. With a heavy heart, Jung Hoseok left Kim Dan's apartment, leaving behind a shattered relationship and a heartbroken young man.

Alone in the living room, Kim Dan felt a maelstrom of emotions - anger, betrayal, and profound sadness. He didn't know how to move on from this devastating moment, but he knew he had to find a way to heal and rebuild his life without Jung Hoseok.

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