Chapter 4 - Paths Intertwined

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Kim Dan stirred his coffee thoughtfully and looked at Jin Ho with a genuine smile. "You know, I've been reflecting on my art a lot lately. It's something I used to be so passionate about, but I sort of put it on hold during my previous relationship. I'd love to get back into it."

Jin Ho's eyes lit up. "That's fantastic, Dan! Your art is incredible, and I've always admired your talent. Let's find you some art classes, and I'll be your biggest supporter."

Kim Dan's cheeks flushed with gratitude. "You'd do that for me?"

"Absolutely," Jin Ho replied. "We're in this together, remember? Your dreams are my dreams."

A few days later, Kim Dan found a suitable art class nearby and decided to enroll. He shared the news with Jin Ho, who beamed with pride. "That's fantastic, Dan! I'm so proud of you. I'll make sure you have all the supplies you need. You're going to shine in that class."

Jin Ho, chopping vegetables for their next culinary experiment, couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "You know, I've been thinking about my dream too, Dan. I've always wanted to open a restaurant, and I think it's time I start taking steps toward that."

Kim Dan looked up from his sketchbook, genuinely interested. "A restaurant? That sounds amazing, Jin Ho. I've tasted your cooking, and it's top-notch. What's your plan?"

Jin Ho grinned. "Well, I've been reading about small pop-up dinners and supper clubs. I thought we could start by hosting some here in our apartment. It's a chance for me to practice, and for us to enjoy good food with friends."

Kim Dan nodded, his eyes sparkling. "I think it's a brilliant idea. Count me in! I'll handle the artistic presentation for these dinners."

Their apartment soon became a hub of creativity and culinary experimentation. As they hosted their first dinner gathering, Kim Dan couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. He approached Jin Ho with a warm smile. "This is incredible, Jin Ho. Your food and the atmosphere you've created are amazing. I'm so proud of you."

Jin Ho returned the smile. "And your artwork on display here? It adds a special touch to our dinners. We make a great team, Dan.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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