An odd lunch...

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After playing your game for a roughly half an hour, Lisa comes into the room and says "I made cheese toasties for lunch, come down to eat it before it gets cold".

"Oh okay" you say, pausing your game and getting up. You follow her out of the room and down the stairs towards the kitchen.

You walk into the kitchen and towards the table, you sit down onto a chair as Lisa places a plate in front of you with two cheese toasties on it, she then also places a drink of water next to it.

You pickup one of the cheese toastie slices and you begin eating it, you slowly gobble up the first one, taking regular sips your of drink, the drink tastes kind of weird but you ignore it. once you finish eating the first one you begin to feel a weird feeling in your stomach, you think nothing of it however.

You begin to eat the second one, still taking regular sips from your drink, as you continue to eat the feeling in your stomach only gets worse, not only that but you also feel that you need to pee.

As you finish the second one your bladder is really full so you put your legs together to try and hold it, also your stomach and bowles are continuing to strain.

Once you finish eating, Lisa comes over to you and says "how was it?"

"It was pretty nice, but I need the toilet now" you reply, your bladder now completely full.

You then get up and begin walking towards the stairs, your casual walk turns into a desperate run as you feel a bit off pee spurt into your pants...

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