Chapter 11

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Third person POV

The scene opens to Corona who clap her hands twice then a bright light appear in front of her making her to cover her eyes once the bright light disappear she gasps as she saw four people standing in front of her

Corona: not to be rude or anything but who are you guys?
???: we are your personal guards your royal highness
???: you call for us your highness do you need some help?
Corona: what? what do mean I call you guys?
???: you clap twice that's why we're here but if you want us to go clap once then we're gone in your sight
Corona: oh I get it now.. can you guys help me I'm getting the stone before the four eyes potter gets it
???: sure no problem your highness by the way I'm Eridanus it means river
Corona: then I'll call you River
???: I'm Crux the southern cross
Corona: your name will be Cross
???: I'm Corves the crow
Corona: you'll be Crow
???: last but not the least me my name is Canis major
Corona: ok from now on your names will be River, Crow, Cross, and lastly Major and everyone will call us the southern stars
Cross: thank you your highness, but do we have any plans of how to get the stone?
Corona: yes we have let's go now

outside the locked door on the third
floor. River goes to open the door but Corona grabs her arm before she turns the door knob.

River: what's wrong?
Corona: someone is here

raises a finger to her lips then points to behind them, them could hear someone is looking around

Corona: quickly we hide gather around me you guys

she whispers as she pulls the four gurads close to her and towards the walls.

Corona: Indespectus
(Invisible in Latin)
she whispers the five of them turn
invisible from sight.

Irene: Your magic really is incredible
for such a young age.
Corona: thanks Lady Irene wait let me rephrase that word I said thanks mother
Hermione: you gotta teach me that spell
Lyra: I wanna learn that spell to
Ginny: me too
Wanda: so will I
Luna: sign me up
Pansy: sign me up to I'll never miss that lesson your going to have
Daphne: let me join you guys to your little club
Astoria: me too I want to be strong like you guys
Wendy: can I join to mummy?
Corona: ok, ok girls all of you will learn that spell ok, oh and Levy your joining this girls to learn magic that I'm going to teach I'm not taking a no for an answer

Irene complimented her future
daughter-in-law and she smile at Corona when she calls her mother, Levy on the other hand blushes when her soulmate told her she's going to teach her some magic to be strong like her.

Corona sense that no one is with them she and her guards come out of hiding.

Corona: ok all clear let undo the invisibility spell Invisibilis videtur
(unseen seen in Latin)
she undo the invisibility spell

Corona: now we go in.
River: I'll go open the door

everyone nods as River opens the door and the five of them are welcomed by the three-headed dog cerberus, Major saw the harp she went to the where the harp is standing.

Major: I'll play the harp everyone don't panic just stay in your neutral facial expression so that the cerberus won't hurt us

after she finished her sentence she start playing harp to calm the cerberus once the cerberus is calm and fell as asleep she ask quickly ask the celestial spirit princess

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