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Within the imposing mansion, shadows concealed a layers of secrets. Ethan, the hidden son, bore the weight of a stolen childhood, trapped in a life where he existed as a stranger in his own home.

By day, he was a diligent college student, by night, a café worker struggling for independence. His family, indifferent and cruel, denied him his rightful place. This is a story of secrets and resilience, of a boy determined to reclaim his family, his love, and his home.

Will he ever escape from this everlasting pain ?, will he find someone who love him unconditionally with a life he had ?

Read to find out more ...

Hey dear readers
Hope you all are doing great

This story is based on the pure imagination of mine , all the character and story lines are created in my mind .

It's been a while since I created the stories, and I have been thinking of publishing it but somehow my laziness got the best of me and the story left with out much improvement

Now that I am publishing it , I hope you all will give support and motivation to write more in the future

Also this is my first writing a story based on this concept so there will be many mistakes in my story and my lack of knowledge in things will clearly will be there so I hope you all wouldn't be disappointed even though I know that you may feel disappointed later

Also the updates of chapters will be slow because of my life style still I will try my best, don't put an high expectations in this story because I don't want you to feel like you are wasting your time

Thank you and Have a good experience while reading

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