Chapter 29: Tears Have Become Your Companion

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One day later. While their friends and familiars were sleeping tightly, Peter and Helene went for a walk with Sammy in the early morning. After a few days when the bright sun was shining in the city and warming up the citizens, it's definitely going to be warm but gloomy. And at such an early time, there is literally nobody on the streets, and the lovers are going somewhere with a slow, straight step all alone.

"Hey, Sammy is kind of quiet today," Peter notices thoughtfully.

"He is," Helene agrees with a slight smile, keeping Sammy on the leash, while he is following her obediently and sniffing something on the asphalt with interest. "Though, he was taking us after him some time ago, not otherwise."

"He's starting to understand who he must obey."

"I'm imagining what's gonna happen if he sees a sympathetic doggy."

"M-m-m..." Peter glances into the distance, sees a married couple walking hand-in-hand and leading a sympathetic doggy on the leash, while it follows them, and smiles slyly. "We'll see it now. There's a good candidature. Very sympathetic."

When the married couple and the dog go by, Sammy moves his to the small yorkshire terrier and starts to wag his tail energetically and barking funnily. Then the doggy answers him back and wants to come to the retriever and sniff him. But the man slightly pulls the leash on himself, telling her to follow him. And when they hide somewhere in the corner a few moments later, Peter and Helene stop and scratch Sammy's hair, while he makes a quiet sound with sadness in his eyes.

"Sorry, boy, but you aren't lucky again," Peter throws his hands up. "We did our best..."

Sammy whines quietly, inclines his head, and closes his nose with a paw, making Helene smile widely and yank his ears softly.

"C'mon, Sammy, don't be so upset," Helene says amicably. "Not that dog, but another."

"Yeah, buddy, people may look for a beloved person for ages," Peter adds confidently.

Sammy barks quietly two times, wagging his tail amicably.

"Okay, my boy, we'll talk about it later," Helene says amicably. "Now, let's find a place where we'll play with you, and you'll run."

Sammy twists around himself several times, chasing his own tail and making Helene and Peter laugh shyly and shake their heads.

"Hey, bandit, stop chasing your tail," Peter pets Sammy's head. "Sammy! Let's go!"

Sammy barks happily and starts to follow his owners after Helene slightly pulls the leash on herself and goes somewhere straightly along with Peter.

"Oh, I wanna sleep so badly," Peter moans tiredly, running his hand over his face. "Yesterday, I watched a good show 'till late time. Though, I only watched Season 1. I fell asleep on Season 2."

"You could sleep longer. Instead of going for a walk with Sammy and me."

"You have three guesses to guess it."

"You fought with Marta again?"

"Bingo!" Peter claps his hands.

"The war with cats is still on?"

"It hasn't ended. And I'm gonna tell you honestly. If it doesn't stop, I'm definitely gonna start to hate cats. Those bandits got me wild with their loud meowing. Every single day, I listen to that freaking show. Sometimes I wanna sit in silence, have dinner, take a bath, and lie on the bed... But that cat gang ruins my plans. They started to perform at half past six today."

"You went to talk to her again?"

"I did, but it doesn't make sense! Trying to talk to Marta and assuring her to do something to 'her sweet cats' leads to a lecture about how I should live, and the door closed before my nose."

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