Chapter 33: Love Can't Be The Synonym Of Pain

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Two days later. Time is quickly getting close to three hours, and it's gloomy outside. To get through the excitement somehow, Natalia and Helene went to Raquelle's home. They are now with Cassidy, who was brought here some time ago by Daniel. Besides, Blair, Christiana, and Violetta are sitting comfortably with them in Raquelle's room on the bed , truly wishing everything to end well.

"It's almost three o'clock..." Cassidy notices with sadness in her eyes, looking at the watch on the wall. "Those scumbags are about to come..."

"I'm afraid that something may go wrong..." Helene confesses with anxiety, keeping a hand on her heart. "Even if they have a plan, it doesn't mean everything is gonna be at ease."

"But the men are very determined and afraid of nothing," Raquelle replies thoughtfully.

"Anything to save Anna and her parents," Natalia says confidently.

"Excuse me, girls, why are all your men helping Daniel if they don't have to do with it?" Violetta asks hesitantly. "Is that man so dangerous that he couldn't do it alone?"

"Daniel tried to change their minds many times, but the men didn't wanna listen to them," Raquelle explains. "They don't wanna let him deal with him alone. They know it would be hard for him. Besides, Potter is gonna be much more furious after his latest loss."

"We also tried to make Peter, Edward, and Terrence give up on this idea," Helene confesses confidently. "But they were determined. So, we only had to support them and wish them luck."

"But on the contrary, I'm quiet that my brother has their support," Cassidy says hesitantly, fingering over and looking at her hands. "It's gonna be easier for Daniel if he knows he's not alone. I don't wanna lose my brother. I need him..."

"Edward said that Anna was madly scared when she heard about Daniel's wish to sacrifice himself in a critical situation," Natalia confesses.

"Yes, yes, Peter said the same," Helene nods confidently. "The lads noticed that she always looked for a moment to look at Daniel. She looked at him literally every minute. Secretly. She didn't want him to see it."

"I think we all know the reason she did it," Blair replies with a slight smile.

"Ah, Blair..." Raquelle smiles shyly. "It's not a secret for us that Anna madly loves Daniel. And she doesn't deny it while he's not near."

"You know, girls, I believe everything is gonna get better soon," Christiana assumes with a slight smile. "If that guy protects Anna again, she will melt away slowly."

"At first, we kind of doubted it," Natalia confesses thoughtfully, wrapping a strand of hair around her finger. "But now we definitely have hope... And Anna lets us know that everything is not over."

"Honestly, I'm surprised that you and Raquelle doubted," Blair says shyly. "You two went through the same thing."

"Yeah, you're right," Raquelle nods. "But you know, one thing is when you've never cheated. And another thing is when a betrayal happens. And when a person saw it."

"No matter how sorry we are for Daniel, we have to confess that he is guilty," Natalia adds with sadness in her eyes.

"Agree, cheating is terrible," Cassidy agrees quietly. "I wouldn't surely forgive... But you know the situation that Daniel got into. Why he cheated on Anna."

"Yeah, the foreigner did it..." Christiana says thoughtfully. "She did her best for his girlfriend to see them together and made him fight with his friends."

"Although we forgave him, it was hard for us to do it," Helene confesses. "He told us many bad things. We felt too hurt. We wanted to stop speaking to him. But we made ourselves remember that we had a deal with Daniel we didn't know."

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