Chapter 3- Medicine 101

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" Students. Today is all about learning the basics of medicine so we can cure kids faster." Dr. Banana said. " What types of medicines?" Genesis asked.
" Like Pepto Bismol for unwell stomachs or medicine injections for babies with diarrhea. It's all part of the routine curriculum for med students who wanna be the best at their jobs." Nurse Hati said. " Thanks. I'm doing this because medical students get paid triple the amount of money that a chef or a Starbucks employee makes. Medicine is hard, but I'm gonna give it all. I've got to graduate and possibly get a fully funded scholarship with all paid expenses and a couple of ambulances and emergency lessons. That's what it's gonna take to become the best new success in the world. Everyone will be chanting my name or asking me to help them with their skin problems and how to handle annoying acne breakouts, which are embarrassing for teenagers, especially when they already have pictures of themselves with braces and glasses. It's called the awkward phase, and every teenager has gone through it. I wanna help teens with their skin and make every girl or boy feel better about themselves, and then their social lives would get better and more exciting than awkward social media posts." Genesis said. " Medicine 101 is a hard course, even harder than Emergency Preparation. It's one of the necessary courses that Dr. Banana had to take to become the good performance professional that she is today. But you must be fully committed to this. This program is every lesson that you would learn, and it's hard-core, emotional, and interactive. The nurses are amazing, and they run around back and forth, caring about little details. They stay out later, and they come in earlier, I mean, 4:30 or 5 a.m. That type of early, to check the computer and run the systems to check for computer viruses. We're supposed to activate the automatic version, so we're not manually doing this at night when we wanna be in bed, snoozing the night away and having some deep dreams where anything, even the unrealistic things like dancing plants, or singing pizzas or hip-hop professionals who wear tacos stickers on their underwear and cheese quesadilla stickers on the front of their backpacks. " The nurses are amazing and everything seems crazier when they're not around. The emergency room is a place where serious matters like fractures or sore throats that simple medicine can't make better." Genesis said. " Well, those medicines lose effectiveness over some time and they don't work as much as they normally do. Medicine is the topic of the hour and a lot of people are raiding the stores since cold and flu season is almost here and no one wants to get sick, especially when they wanna have fun on the leaves, go on hay rides, and have fun with family and observing traditional or worldwide regional customs." Ava said. " It's very important that we have a good balance of work and personal life. Friends and family are really important because those moments last for a little while as your kids grow up and then they have their own families and careers that revolve around their dreams of becoming successful while doing it entirely on their own and only relying on their parents help if they need it." Hailey, another 1st year med student, who's 16-years-old, said. " This unit was tough but you all have persevered and you're taking in so much information in such little time." Professor Picklefarts, the second-best professor in the area, said. " Thanks. I'm proud of all of you. Always remember that. All of the staff have said that this class is the best in the history of this hospital." Professor Picklefarts said.

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