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The highway stretched endlessly before them, the monotony of the road only broken by the occasional passing vehicle. 

"There is not a single motel, hotel, hostel or AirB&B anywhere near here that accepts pets." Violet sighed, the blue light of her phone illuminating her strained eyes.

"I am so fucking sleepy." Case complained, his eyelids heavy. 

"Me too." Violet yawned and stretched.

"No, stop yawning now I'm yawning." Case managed stifling a yawn with a weary chuckle, his voice was thick with fatigue. Violet wasn't sure which one of them should be driving anymore. 

The glow of the neon sign reading "24/7 Resting Stop" was a welcome sight on the dark stretch of the highway. 

"We need coffee." Violet declared.

The parking lot, dimly lit. The establishment looked worn down, the paint peeling and one of the neon letters flickering intermittently. The parking lot was eerily deserted.

Pulling into a spot, Case got out to fill up the gas tank.

Violet trudged into the store, the door gave a little jingle. Her eyes scanning the shelves. Among the various snacks and travel essentials, a shelf packed with energy drinks caught her eye. The cans displayed loud art designs, with garish colors and bold fonts screaming promises of instant energy.

Emerging from the store, Violet's hands were full of two steaming coffees and a bag of clanking energy drinks.

He was leaning against the van looking half asleep when she returned, the smell of gasoline wafted through the air

 "Caffeine to the rescue." Case rasped upon seeing her. He slowly moved like a zombie grabbing the bag.

 He rummaged though it and grabbed and energy drink. He cracked open one of the tiny can's of caffeine and sugar and downed it as quickly as possible.

"Urg, tastes like medicine." he complained giving a shiver and began stretching his back. 

"I think I'll stick to the coffee." Violet yawned taking a sip. It was bittersweet and dark chocolatey goodness.

Case sighed, looking over the van and then back to Violet, a hint of protectiveness evident in his eyes and body language, "You're very cute when you're sleepy, but this is not looking good for us." 

"I don't mind staying in the van," Violet shrugged, her tone resigned, "It'll be like camping."

"Better than crashing the van in ditch and dying." she said grimly

"Yeah... I agree." he nodded looking distracted. 

Once they were back in the van with their coffee Case didn't put his music back on.

The interior of the van was silent as they parked, save for the low rumble of its idling engine. The soft glow of the streetlights outside pierced through the van's windows, casting an eerie luminescence that painted them in soft ghostly hues.

Case seemed to be considering something.

Case's fingers began nervously picking at his steering wheel. The worn leather cracked softly under his touch and flaked off bit by bit,

"Violet," he started hesitantly, his eyes darting away as if to gather courage, "about that tracking device thingy... I'm not sure about pretending we don't know."

"I really feel like we should just ditch it in that open dumpster over there, and get out of here."

Staring out the window, she watched the reflections of the lights play off the dirty windshield,  "Who ever has the tracking device knows you stayed outside my house." Violet said.

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