Phantom Lust

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Caelus finds himself floating, drifting through space. A spiral of light and cosmic dust draws his gaze, he recognizes it. When he awakened to the Preservation he found himself in a similar view. He does not know how he ended up here.

There are no clues to be found, only floating rocks and distant stars. Caelus notices he is actually naked, not something that happened last time. He thinks to walk towards the light, nothing else stands out. Before he can move, however, he feels something sticky and soft wriggle at his ankle.

Looking down in horror he sees fleshy tentacles, covered in some sort of fluid, grab and slither up to his legs, he tries to escape, but it's too late. The things grip him firmly, and before he can react more of them appear, grabbing his arms. Caelus summons all the power he can muster, to no avail.

Trying to calm down, he looks around to find the origins of his assaulters, and he spots it pretty soon. A hooded figure, covered with a black cape, hiding its face in darkness. The tentacles squirm forth from under the cape, the sound of moist, moving flesh echoes from this figure. Plap, plap, plap!

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" Caelus asks, without much effect.

The mysterious figure stands in silence as the tentacles continue to make their way over his body, covering every part in this warm, sticky fluid. Even his private parts don't escape, where they seem to grab with the most vigor.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? Get these things off me!" he screams in horror.

The tentacles do not relent, overwhelming his body in a massage of wonders he never experienced before. His body reacts despite himself, awakening even his affectionately named Caelus Jr., now presenting himself fully to the squirming appendages.

A soft moan escapes his mouth, to his surprise. "Oh, man, this actually doesn't feel bad at all... wait, what am I saying? Get these things off me, or I'm going to stop holding back!"

An empty threat. In response, the tentacles intensify their own attack, wrapping Caelus and his rod in a warm embrace, like a baby in the mother's womb. They both soon cry tears of joy and ecstasy, as Caelus twitches and flexes in response to the immense pleasure.

He felt exhilarated, but also ashamed. Violated is another word floating in his clouded mind, and yet, he cannot deny he never felt such overwhelming climax, such... power. In the depths of his heart, he wanted more.

A laugh can be heard, the hooded one finally speaks. "You've been deemed fit for service, chosen to carry my word. Awaken to the truth of the universe!"

"What?..." is the only thing Caelus manages to ask between his gasps for air, still reeling from the sensations coursing through his body.

The hooded one points at him with a tentacle poking out of the cape, and Caelus feels himself thrown back, the universe moves by him at lightspeed and then darkness.

He jolts awake, drenched in cold sweat. Caelus breathes heavily, but soon relaxes once realizing he is on his own bed aboard the Astral Express. His heart still beats erratically, reacting to the events of what he can only define as a weird dream.

"What the blaze was that?" he ponders out loud, resting his head on his hands.

A cup of water would do him some good, he thinks. Upon moving out of bed he notices a particular smell, a particular feeling down his pants. Sticky, hot, and all too familiar.

"Seriously!? How am I supposed to get rid of this?"

Caelus has always been careful about not leaving any traces of his nightly activities. He wouldn't want Pom-Pom to think any indecency was happening aboard the Express, but now what would he say?

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