Starlust Crusaders Part 4 - Lady and the Tramp Part 1 - Love is the Key

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Dusk was almost over when Natasha finally arrived at Serval's workshop. She was the last one to do so. The reactions to her arrival ranged from surprise to excitement, and she couldn't hide her own amusement, even though Caelus had already told her the whole story.

"Caelus, you animal! You didn't waste any time at all!" Serval slapped him on the back, too hard to be a simple gesture of praise.

Pela adjusted her glasses. "So that's what you meant by having a surprise for us. I don't know whether to be mad or proud, but I must say I'm impressed."

March laughed, to her this was not news. "C'mon Nat, sit next to me! We're going to be besties now," she says while wiping the dust off a crate with her hands for Natasha to sit.

"Sorry about that, doctor, I don't have enough chairs around." Serval says apologetically.

"It's no trouble, don't worry about it." Natasha sits down next to March, who promptly hugs the good doctor.

"Hello, doctor Natasha, it's been a while."

"Just Natasha is fine, Pela, and yes it has. I hope you've been resting enough."

"As much as I can with the little free time I have."

"I know your work is important, but don't neglect your health."

Caelus looks at the girls with a satisfied smile, then he fake coughs to draw their attention.

"Well then!" he starts as they set eyes on him, "ladies and gent... oh, ladies, now that you're all here I can talk about the reason I called for this meeting."

He stops, takes a look around the room. Now that he could look at all of them together, after what they had gone through, looking back at him with expecting eyes, it feels heavy, almost surreal. After he utters his intentions out loud they will all walk the Path and there won't be any turning back, but he is ready.

"I came here with March thinking I would help people, that I would show everyone a better way to live, but I didn't have any idea of how to do it, I had no plan for the future. It was only after being with all of you that I understood I was making a mistake. I can't simply keep moving on without any thought, not considering what kind of impact my actions have in your lives. The moments we've shared aren't meant to be fleeting dreams, they're the start of a new way forward, a new path, one that you won't have to walk alone. Everyone will, together, side by side. To do that I'll need to spread the word to as many people as possible, just like I did with each of you, and I can't do it alone, I don't want to do it alone. I need your help, and I know this is asking too much, so I understand if anyone hesitates, but this is the only solution I could come up with. I hope the feelings we shared are enough to make you see why."

March starts clapping, tears forming in her eyes. Pela then rises from her seat, walking to the center of the group, she stops in front of Caelus.

"It seems my words have had an effect. For your idea to work you would need a lot more people to participate. We will have to be efficient with our strategy. We could take it slow, converting people to our cause one by one, but we don't have infinite time. At some point you'll have to leave, no? But we also can't be reckless, because if we draw too much attention too early our actions could be deemed a disturbance and the public could turn against us. We would have to act behind the scenes, gathering allies in key positions that could then sway public opinion before anyone could oppose us.

"First we need to infiltrate the enemy ranks, which can already be covered by the people present here. As the Intelligence Officer I have free access to the flow of information and to people ranked high in the chain of command. Serval is a former Architect, and currently helps lead the restoration efforts, plus there is also our band. Natasha is a key figure in the Underworld, greatly respected by the people due to her many years of service as a doctor and leader of Wildfire. It's not perfect, but it is a good start. Then we would need to recruit—"

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