Chapter 1

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Coraline just ran away from Beldam's place, after that, she searched the house for finding her parents. However, nobody was in the house.

Ding dong! Coraline's face filled with happiness, she quickly ran to her front door with excitements. But it was Wybie instead of her parents….

"Don't believe me? You can ask the cat!" Coraline Jones was shouting to Wybourne Lovat in her room. "The…Cat? I'll just tell grandma… that you lost the doll…" when Wybie finished his line, he received Coraline's left shoe. "You're not listening to me!" Coraline shouted.

"That's…. because…. You're….. CRAZY!" the right shoe threw to him after that, but this time he successfully hid from her. Wybie ran to outside, and Coraline chased him. "You Jerkwad!" Coraline jumped on Wybie's back when he was trying to start his motorbike's engine, and they both fell on the mud field.

The rain was falling heavily, the dirt already become mud when it's raining. If Coraline's mother saw them, she would probably faint.

"No!" Wybie found his body full of muds. "Are you really crazy at all? What's on your mind now! I planned not taking any shower today!" Wybie pushed Coraline that was lying on his back. When Wybie stood from the field, Coraline was holding his hand.

"Please Wybie! You must believe my words! The other mother just tried to sew buttons in my eyes!" Coraline pushed Wybie down to the mud field again. When Wybie groaned and trying to push her again, he saw a teardrop fall from her eyes. "Y… you must help me! Now my parents are missing, and I'm worried about them! What if they… they…."

Coraline stopped speaking and cried silently. Wybie looked at her, and he felt very sorry for her. "Oh…. J….Jonesy….. Don't be sad! I can help you! Really! I promise!" Wybie found he was hugging her without asking himself.

"Jonesy! No crying! Santa Claus won't give you a present if you cry!" he tried his best to calm down Coraline. But she started to whine. "Jonesy... Let's go into your house okay? I don't want you to be sick... Okay? Please! I don't want you to cough!"

Wybie tried to lift her, but her hands blocked him. Wybie was perplexed about what to do, but he pulled Coraline's face in front of her. "Coraline! I'll help you! I'll help you to find your parents and I'll believe what you said! I want you to tell me what exactly happened! Please don't cry okay?" Coraline surprised. She looked at Wybie for a moment.

"Thank….Thank... Y…You..." she snuffled. Wybie giggled and wiped out her tears.

"But what if your grandma calls you? Don't you need to go home?" Coraline sniffed.

Wybie swallowed and hesitated for a moment, seems he did something bad. "You know, I really thought you're crazy, so I lied to you that my grandma is calling me. I got plenty of time today." He smiled nervously. "I knew it!" she giggled and punched his arm. The rain started to fall lightly. She looked at Wybie's eyes, and she found her mother's car.

"Wait! Mom and dad are there!" she and Wybie quickly ran to the car. But nothing inside but Mrs. Jones's phone. She used her phone to call Mr. Jones, but nobody answered.

"Where have you gone?" she felt disappointed, and Wybie looked at her. He thought he should do something now. "W…Well Jonesy? I think they just went to do something else. Why don't you go inside the house to wait for them?" He asked. "Wybie… can you stay with me? I don't want to stay in the house alone." Coraline grabbed his arm, her eyes filled with nervousness, her shivering eyes and shrinking body made Wybie "want" to protect her. He also felt Coraline is "different" than normal. She was a tough, boyish girl who is different from other girls. But she acted like a sweet girl, who has an ability that can let Wybie do anything for her… Wybie found his face started to blush. "O…Okay… I can do that." Wybie smiled at Coraline. "Thank you so…so much!" Coraline smiled at him too.

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