part 5

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EVIL WITCH! IM NOT SCARED!" Coraline shouted.

She stood up, grabbed her triangle candy and looked around the huge music hall. She found the fourth eye, but it's tied on one of the bat dog's neck. Coraline already saw how violent the dogs are. But her parent's life, the ghost children, even Wybie's life is on her hand. She can't do another thing.

She thought for a short moment for taking that eye. She needs to attract the dogs. "Alright…. Just grab it…" She breathed hard, covered her neck with her bag and slowly aimed the flashlight to the dogs on the balcony.


She turned on the flashlight, the bat dogs were very angry. They flew to Coraline, to bite her cloth, to bite her skin, to bite her neck. The bat dogs started to fly faster toward her. Coraline closed her eyes.

"Aaaaargh no!" she felt her skin being bitten by them. She felt her cloth little bit wet by her blood, felt the claws attacking her arm, felt the dogs are trying to bite her neck. She bit her mouth, stretched her hands into the bat dogs. She kept search.







Meanwhile, Wybie was running. He doesn't know where to hide, where to find Coraline. He ran into the Pink Palace apartment hid where Coraline's room is located. He crawled below her bed.

Probably after 14 minutes, Wybie still hid below the bed.

'P…probably that thing I didn't know I'm hiding on here.' Wybie thought. He got out of the bed.


Oh, my God. It was that thing opening the door. Wybie hid below the bed again.

"Wybie~ you know you will be found soon; why don't you just come out?" The monster giggled. Wybie heard the monster searching the first stage. He heard the sound of moving chairs and falling dishes…. She's in the kitchen.

"If you come out, I will kill you faster without any pain. But if you dare to delay the time… I will crash your whole bones and peel out your skin!" The monster shouted. It seems as if she wanted to scare Wybie.

'Think! You jerkwad! Think about how you can kill that thing!' He thought. There are no weapons, just a blank room with a bed-shaped wooden sculpture.

"Y…you! Come out!" The monster screamed. The thing kept crawling, searching Wybie, she started to climb the stairs.

'How…' Wybie saw the large door. He thought if he can use the door to kill her…. Or else, there is no choice. He immediately ran in front of the door.

"Wybourne LOVATT!" the monster crawled to Coraline's room. When the monster stuck her head to the door, Wybie immediately pushed the door to close.

"Grrraaaaaaagh you dare to harm me!" The monster screamed and twisted up her body. Wybie can hear the body of the monster is twisting hard. He pushed the door with his best strength,

Coraline : what if Coraline caught wybie Where stories live. Discover now