chapter 2

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"Are you ready?" Coraline asked Wybie. "Of course." Wybie seems prepared and brave. "Will you follow us?" Wybie asked the cat. The cat nodded his head.

"Good. Be careful." Coraline opened the door.

The tunnel through the other land was beautiful like when Coraline saw the tunnel for the first time. Not like the "Evil" door when She pushed by Other Wybie. The tunnel looked like a tunnel to the heaven. Beautiful and marvelous. But ironically, it's the tunnel to the hell.

"Wybie, be careful. Don't believe anyone except me." Coraline whispered.

"I want to tell you Wybourne, this place, is very dangerous." The cat spoke suddenly.

"W..What? Y…You can talk?" Wybie surprised.

"And you both know you two are walking right into her trap." The cat spoke.

"I have to go back….they are my parents." Coraline spoke.

"He can speak in the "Button world", and everything that's living are having button eyes. There might have "Other you". But he probably died." Coraline said to Wybie. 'Other me?' Wybie confused.

"Will there have "Other you"?" Wybie asked.

"I don't think so, but… if there is, don't be attracted to them. Once you fall to them, you will think they are real." Coraline stared Wybie with anxiousness.

"Don't worry Jonesy, as long as they have button eyes, I will run away." Wybie gulped.

"Challenge her. She may not play fair, but she won't refuse. She's got a thing…for games. " Said the cat.

The tunnel was longer than usual, more deeply, and more beautiful. Seems the tunnel is hypnotizing them, lying the world is a "Dream come true". However, they already knew the truth.

When Coraline saw the door at the front, the door suddenly opened. At the same time, the cat disappeared.

"Coraline?" it was Mrs. Jones who opened the door.

"Mom? Mom!" Coraline started to rush. Wybie was watching Coraline happily. However, he saw her mother smiling oddly. What's more horrifying, her mother's neck was long.

"Coraline! Do not hug her!" Wybie shouted, but Coraline already hugged her.

"Coraline…. Why did you leave me?" The mother that Coraline hugged was Beldam. Coraline pushed Beldam back, and Beldam transformed into her real appearance. Wybie ran in front of her in order to protect her.

"B….Bel…Beldam! Y…You d…dare to hurt her!" Wybie shouted to Beldam. Coraline was surprised that Wybie was against Beldam bravely. She thought Wybie was a cowardly, weird boy. But her thought changed since Wybie decided to have this dangerous adventure with her. She wonders why he's passionate and protects her.

"Hmm…. Coraline? Why didn't you tell me that you have a boyfriend?" Beldam's face suddenly distorted. Wybie suddenly got goosebumps.

"No….I….I bought a friend." Said Coraline. "And where are my parents!" she asked. "gosh I have no idea where your old parents are. Perhaps they felt bored of you and ran away to France." She giggled. "You…..Liar! You stole them!" Wybie stood in front of Beldam.

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