part 7

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Dad!" Coraline flushed.

Coraline and Wybie sat on the stairs of the Pink Palace apartment, they shared their "Horrible experience" in the other world.

"So that witch used your grandma's face to make a monster that attacked you. Right?" She said seriously.

"Yeah, I still can't forgive her because she used my grandma. She's my only family left." Wybie rubbed his skull mask, wiped out some webs on it. Coraline felt so bad when Wybie spoke: "She's my only family left."

"I understand your feeling… I'm so sorry to hear that."

"…Thank you."

"…I just want to say… I can be your new family member." Coraline looked at him, smiling.

"W…what?" Wybie surprised.

"You know, just… tell me whenever you had a bad time or something else… you're always welcome." She held Wybie's hand.

"You helped me a lot, you saved my family. I was… moved." They both looked at each other.

"I'm so sorry that I acted so rude to you at the first time we met. I was… a nut… I don't know, we just met for a few days, and we really don't know each other… but I really trust you… even want to lean on you." She said honestly.

"W…well, me either." Wybie surprised at first, then admitted her words because they depended on each other in a life-threatening situation. Coraline did really well there.

"Since you're the first friend I met… so I really…. want you to… like me…" He started to act more awkward now.

"I really trust you Wybie." Coraline smiled.

"T…thank you for trusting this…. psycho-nerd." Wybie laughed.

"Your welcome, why were you born." She giggled. After that, they shared their life. They talked about their hobbies, what they hate or like… they had great fun in that conversation. At last, Wybie and Coraline decided to tell grandma for the truth of the missing sister when they both have time.

Wybie took his bike home when he heard his grandma start to call him. For Coraline, she had a nice dinner with her parents. After that, Coraline's parents told her that they will start gardening tomorrow and inviting people. She also received the glove that she wanted to buy in the store. The parents left her room, it's time for sleep. She counted the eyes of the ghosts and felt sorry for them about the pain of losing the eyes. Beldam was awful.

"Meow!" She heard her cat crying at the window, she opened the window and guessed the cat was upset.

She explained and apologized to the cat. She let the cat enter her room, and she put her pillow for the cat.

"I think it is time…to let them free…" The cat nodded his head.

Coraline lied in her bag as a pillow.






A moment later, she saw herself standing on an empty space, blue background and something glowing like Van Gogh's art. Then she saw the eyes lined together, the eyes that Coraline and Wybie had risked their lives to get back, shattered like glass. In the fragments, the kind spirits emerged, their eyes are no longer the hateful buttons, but the very beautiful bright eyes.

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