Chapter one

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He made his way clumsily into the school parking lot. Since his friends weren't going to be in school today, he found it much more difficult to get around.
You see he was deaf, had anxiety and he had a nervous tick that made him tremble and spaz out unwillingly, which meant he would loose temporary physical control over his body.
But he wouldn't let any of that stop him from getting to school on time. He was rather early today, and since he had worn himself out from walking to school from his house, he sat down on a bench to regain some energy.
He pulled his phone out of his jumper pocket and texted his mum, telling her that he was okay and that he had reached school safely. He was definitely a mummy's boy, he truly loved his mum with all his heart and would do anything to make her happy. But all she keeps telling him is that just by him being in her life was enough to keep her happy for the rest of her life. But of course Michael didn't believe that at all.
He suddenly felt some place a hand on his shoulder, he jumped at the contact causing him to drop his phone, but the stranger grabbed it for him before it hit the ground.
He looked up to see the one and only Luke Hemmings, the schools most popular boy, who smiled brightly at him and handed him his phone. Luke had always been very kind to Michael, Michael reckons that it's just out of pity, not that he really minds though. As Luke placed the phone in Michael's hand, Michael's cheeks went a light shade of pink as their hands touched for a brief moment.
Luke sat down next to Michael and pulled out a piece of paper and his favorite rainbow coloured pen. He placed the paper on the bench and wrote on it, before passing it and the pen to Michael. Michael read the note and smiled, it had been a while since anyone had even tried to talk with him that wasn't his two best friends Ashton and Calum, well to be honest, they were his only friends. And the fact that it was Luke made it even more unreal.
Michael has had a crush on the blond boy ever since they both started in their first year at Blackford High. And it was only this past year when they were put in the same classes that Luke actually noticed Michael, and he will forever love his teachers for it even if they have no idea about what they did. Anyway, the note read:
-I saw you sitting on your own and wanted to know if you were okay.-
Michael just nodded at Luke before leaning the paper on his lap and writing:
-I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. Oh, and thank you for saving my phone.-
He passed the paper and pen back to Luke. Luke read the note and chuckled lightly. He quickly wrote on the paper and handed it back.
-don't sweat it, and I'm sorry for making you jump.-
Michael read it and smiled again. He wrote down an 'it's fine.' Luke pulled out his phone and quickly typed:
Sorry Mikey I need go.
As he could hear his friends calling for him, before standing up and leaving Michael with his pen and paper still in hand. Michael folded the paper and put it in his bag and put Luke's pen in his pencil case, he would give it back to him later, maybe. Before getting up from the bench and making his way slowly into school, the butterflies in his stomach not making it any easier for him at all.

Butterflies [Muke au]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang