Chapter four

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I was worried Michael was going to say no to me, I put on a fake smile to hide my worry. He seemed rather annoyed with my proposal, but he nodded nonetheless. A burst of happiness spread through my body, I restrained myself from doing anything I'd regret and just patted Michael on the head, I'd never felt his hair before, but now I know for sure it's just as soft as it looks. He swatted my hand away and sat back in his chair, I turned to face Mr. O'Connor and sighed happily. Mr. O'Connor was one of my worse teachers, all he ever does is give homework and it's really starting to piss me off, I mean, I'm great full to him for giving us this project so I can do it with Michael, but come on, who the hell gives a flying fu-
"Mr. Hemmings." Mr. O'Connor said expectantly. I stared blankly at him with my mouth gaping open. What did he ask? I looked at the picture on the white board, was he asking me something about the picture?!
I felt Michael nudge my side with elbow, he placed his hand on the table facing upwards, neatly written on it were the words 'David by Michelangelo.'
"We don't have all day Mr. Hemmings, if you don't know the answer I-"
"David by Michelangelo..?" I said questioningly with a light shrug.
Mr. O'Connor looked at me with a raised eyebrow, but nodded nonetheless before carrying on with the class as if he had never even asked me anything. I turned to Michael who was rubbing his hand in an attempt to rid the writing. He caught me looking at him and winked at me. I chuckled and looked away with a light blush creeping it's way up my neck.
For the remaining time in class, I stared blankly out of the window, thinking about nothing and everything. I should thank Michael for telling me the answer... Huh, I'll do it later.

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