Chapter two

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I couldn't stay with Michael any longer due to my 'friends' calling me over to them. I internally groaned as I stood up from where I sat with Michael and made my way over to the group of idiots I call friends. They aren't really my friends, it's really just for show, if I didn't hang out with these people, I would never had been noticed, let alone become the most popular person in school, I guess I don't have to stick with them anymore, but to be honest, their the closest things to friends I have. Well, apart from Michael, I like to think that we are friends. I mean, he's just so sweet and caring, and helps me out all the time, well, like, he doesn't know that he's helping me, but still, since last year I didn't think he knew I existed, I'm so great full to our teachers for putting us in the same classes.
As I reached my friends I put on a fake smile hoping it looked real enough, but these people are so stupid, they'll believe anything.
"Hey Luke!" Brooke chirped happily, she's the person I can't stand the most, she's just always happy and is constantly smiling, it really pisses me off, how can someone be so happy all the time?
"Hi Brooke, why so happy?" I asked with a big smile, trying not to cringe at my own awkwardness.
"Well, you know Liam? He asked me out, but you can't tell anyone." She shouted out excitedly.
I gave a light fake laugh as I looked around awkwardly. Why would she shout that out while everyone is around when it's meant to be a secret..? Another girl from my group of friends, called Carole turned to Brooke with a gasp.
"Oh my god Liam asked you out?! No way!?" She said in a high pitched voice. Brooke just nodded at her before they both started jumping up and down while squealing loudly.
I internally groaned again and turned on my heels to go into school, but before I could do anything, Ben, a.k.a the school jock, came over to me.
"Why were you with the deaf kid?" He asked pointing at Michael who was struggling to make his way into the school doors.
"None of your business. Fuck off Ben." I said over my shoulder as I headed over to Michael to help him out since his friends weren't here.
When I reached him, I placed a hand on his arm, he jumped a bit from the sudden contact. I didn't blame him, probably scared to death half the time by people appearing out of the blue. Once he saw it was me, he smiled weakly. I grabbed his bag, and placed my left arm around his waist to keep him from tripping over. He bit his bottom lip awkwardly as we made our way to his locker, to be honest, I found it rather cute that he looked so embarrassed. I just smiled warmly to let him know that it was fine, and for once, it wasn't a fake smile, being around this boy made me happy for some reason, but also gave me butterflies?

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