Chapter six

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Rachel orders a drink with her best friend, Marisa, at the bar. The woman has short black hair, and she's dressed in jeans and leather. She's the funky type. They already started the evening by loading off on both sides. Marisa is having a problem with her mother-in-law of forty years and a husband who doesn't defend her. Rachel has the usual talk about Rose and how scared she is that this girl will end up alone like her.

"So when are you going back home?" Marisa asks her. Rachel relaxes back in her chair and shrugs her shoulders. "I'm glad you're visiting, Rachel."

"Yeah, me too," Rachel smiles and sits forward, playing with her hair. "I miss this place and the people. I wish I could stay, but I have to go home. I have to get back to normal as soon as possible. I'm just waiting for Rose to go through the grieving process so that she can move on."

"What about her dad? You've seen him, right?" Marisa asks.

"Oh yes, too much if you ask me," Rachel laughs and look at the waiter that puts their glasses in front of them. "Thanks, handsome!"

"Still enemies?" She asks. Rachel nods and turns in her seat to face her. "How bad?"

"Well, let's see. I threatened to fuck his wife, I basically kissed her and made her stay for more, but I didn't want to hurt him so I kept my distance from them and then this morning, Eileen and I nearly grabbed each other, because we were fighting and I think she's pissed that I'm here," Rachel tells her. Garth takes a seat next to her and orders himself something, not even paying a little bit attention to his neighbors. "So on a scale from one to ten, it's fifty."

"You went for his wife?" Marisa laughs and claps her hands. "Rachel Howard, you are so smooth!"

Garth raises an eyebrow upon hearing her name. He looks next to them and shake his head with an awkward chuckle when he noticed it's them.

"I feel like a complete slut," Rachel says and sits back in her chair shaking her head. Marisa laughs and softly hits her friend's thigh.

"Oh sweetheart, you've been a slut way before all of this so it's not suppose to feel new," Marisa laughs. Rachel agrees and takes her glass from the counter. "Here's to us. The one with mother-in-law issues and the slut."

"Oh I'll drink to that," Rachel raises her glass and let it touch hers. "Let's make a deal. If your mother-in-law finally approves of you, you can give me any man in this world."

"Yhay, now I can introduce my brother to you," Marisa giggles.

"No, not your brother," Rachel immediately stops her. Marisa laughs and glance over at Garth that looked at them and smile awkwardly. "He stalked me for months. I nearly got a restraining order against him."

"There's a hottie sitting next to you," Marisa winks at her. Rachel raises an eyebrow at her and slowly turns her head to look at him. Garth takes his glass from the waiter and looks at her as well.

"Wow, someone is finally off duty tonight," is the first thing she says. "Who's babysitting Eileen?"

"That's rude," Garth chuckles and turns to her. "You know, if you were a little nicer, you wouldn't be single, right?"

"I am single, and thanks to that, I can do whatever I want," she replies and pushes her chair back so that her friend can be part of their conversation. "Garth, this is my best friend. Marisa, this is my ex-husband."

"Damn, now I know why you've been having rebounds for the last twenty years," Marisa says and leans over to shake his hand. "No wonder you're not over him."

"Nice to meet you," Garth says and shakes her hand. Marisa sits back again and looks at Rachel with wide eyes. "So, are you girls staying here the whole night?"

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