The beggining

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In a village, lies a an infant born of beauty and kindness. She loved her home, family and friends within the village, but the most she loves is her mother, she never knew her father even from birth. Her mother would tell her glorious stories of far away kingdoms and the creatures that lives within.

She always knew they were just fairytales but loved them nonetheless.

She plays with kids her age and has been granted a best friend that was secretly crushing on her.

She always helps her mother with chores when her friends are busy.

There was nothing that she would ever change in the world but one day her mother got ill. Her mother tried to stay strong but the illness kept on growing within her and soon....perished from it leaving her only daughter at such a young age.

The girl felt very devastated by her mother's death. She didn't want to leave her home and refused to. So later on she took care of herself and her home but had help by her best friend.

One day her life will change and experience many challenges that will come her way. A bravery that will soon be let out from within her.

Lady of the ringsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora