First Chapter

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For seven years Bergen town had hosted the Spring Beats Music Festival. Four days and three nights of music from around the world. ( the fourth day was for guests to nurse their hangovers)
The main event was the music competition sponsored by Trollstopia productions. Up and coming bands competed to get a record deal and have their songs played everyday on the Trolls radio station for a year. This year promised to be the turning point for ten bands in particular.


The Snack Pack tour bus pulled up in the community parking lot. The doors opened and out came lead guitarist; 22 year old Brazilian Poppy. Right behind her was the lead singer; 24 year old Filipino Rose.
"We finally made it!" Poppy shouted.
"I'm so excited!" Rose squealed.
They were followed by the rest of their band, 23 year old Blasian DJ Suki, 21 year old African Cooper, 22 year old Welsh Big and his beloved pomeranian Mr. Dinkles, drummer 21 year old Native American Smidge, keyboard player 24 year old Indian Guy Diamond, the bass player player 23 year old Anglo Creek, and their roadies 20 year old Legsly and CG.
Most of them grew up together. Poppy met Creek in college (he did a semester in India and fancied himself a guru) Rose came on three months ago as a response to an ad.
They had been on the road for three months and were still finding their sound. This festival was going to be their big break.
Traveling with them was a bodyguard hired by Poppys father Senator Peppy. 26 year old Latino Branch. He mostly stood around in his grey sweatshirt snapping at anyone who came too close.

A shirtless red haired man walked by and winked at Rose. "How you doing pretty lady?" Rose blushed.

A line of jeeps drove up, carrying the band Rock Zombie. Everyone was yelling and laughing and flashing the rock on sign.  🤟
Bigs awkwardly flashed it back. "Cheers."

Cooper looked around and waved at someone. "Hey Darnel!"
His twin brother, who also toured as hip hop star Prince D, waved back.
"Hey! See you on stage!

"Look," pointed Rose, "It's a poster of last year's winner! Take my picture!"
The poster featured singer Jupiter Jet, a Mediterranean woman with thick curly hair and her signature necklace, decorated with eagle wings and lightning bolts. After winning, she dropped out of the public eye.
"I wonder where she went."
"I hear she got into drugs or got a deal in Rio or something."

They looked at other poster of previous winners. The goth band Underworld and their frontman Skull, the opera singer Lady Juno with her signature tiara, Calypso artist Trident, folk singer Hearth with a flame motif, and country star Delphinium Demeter.
At the far end was a poster of the first contest winner Rhea Silvia. Branch gazed at her for a long time.

"Hi!" A little man waved a toy scepter. "Festival host here! All contestants please report to the Green tent."
26 year old Norwegian Gristle Bergen was descended from the town founder. His family tried to be involved in all the community events. People liked to call him their "Little King".
The Snackpack, along with several other bands followed him. Branch made a point of staying extra close to Poppy.

One inside the tent, Gristle gave the official greeting. "Welcome Trollops!"
(As an inside joke, everyone who worked for Trollstopia liked to be called a trollop.)

He introduced the three judges: Bergen Town mayor Maxine Paul, Trollstopia executive Wind Breeze, and celebrity chef Ludmilla Brady. She was a tall, fair skinned busty woman, who looked a little like a shark when she smiled.

Gristle went over the rules; first night they would all perform the same song in their chosen style, second night ten semi finalists would perform songs of their choosing, third night the six finalists would perform original songs they wrote themselves. Gristle added: "There are cameras in your hotel rooms and hotel hallways and dressing rooms and all over the fair grounds. If any of you try something sneaky, we'll know about it."
As he said the last part, Rose glanced at Chef Ludmilla, and noticed the smug shark smile on her face.
Chef Ludmilla looked around the room at all the different performers.
"Don't you all look delicious."

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