Ninth Chapter

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It took a few minutes to open the dubwaiter from inside the room.
Rose eagerly told them how it went all the way up to the penthouse.
"I could hear our friends voices through the wall. We can sneak them out one by one."
"That might be hard," said Poppy, peeking into the shaft. "this space is pretty small."
"Leave that concern to me." The masked woman told her. "I'm an expert on sneaking around this place."


Rose lifted herself up through the cramped shaft. Branch and Poppy climbed after her.
Once inside the room, she revealed  the lock-picking kit the masked woman gave her. The was even equipment for an electronic lock.
Poppy helped Clampers and Dickory sneak down the shaft.
Chefs' pocket watch was still by her bed. Rose grabbed it and smashed it against the wall. Then she took one of the lock-picks and scratched out the crossed scythe symbol.
"Hell yeah! That's the spirit!" Branch shouted. He saw a statue of Chronos in the corner. He grabbed it and toppled it to the floor.
"Go kiss the devils' ass!" He picked up the head and threw it back down, destroying it. The others got in on it taking out all their frustrations on the false idol.
Delta Dawn cracked her knuckles.
"If we're gonna take those guys down ourselves, we're gonna need some proper weaponry." She grinned at Rose successfully unlocking the door. "I'm getting my Lightning Bird."


Aspen and Moxie were freaking out in their underground prison. Lucky for them, Barb and Hickory cornered the security guard. Hickory held the man's arms while Barb pummeled him unconscious.

Everyone met back up on the eighth floor.
Guy Diamond
"I tell ya when this is over, I'm looking up sperm donors. No more one night stands, I want to start a family."
Beside him, Branch watched Hickory and Dickory reunite. They looked happy.
"When this is over, I'm gonna... get back in touch with my older brothers."
"Your come again?"
"I'm... gonna start telling people I have older brothers."


Outside Gristle was pressured to keep the contest going, bringing back the acts from the first night.  Including Bridget.

Branch faced Chef backstage.
"I was going to let some of you live. But that ship has sailed."
Poppy recorded them.
"Just one question. Did you eat Rhea Silvio like the others?"
"I wish. The bitch got thyroid cancer. Not fit to eat. I only eat people at perfect health. Which leaves that would-be Aphrodite ineligible. You however," she held up her meat clever, "you look delicious."
The curtains were pulled open. And there was the entire festival, staring in stunned silence. 
Over at the recording booth, Poppy and Suki high-fived.

The audience roared at Chef.
"Murderer! Fucking Psycho !"
"This isn't what you think!" Chef shouted. "These miscreants are trying to frame me to cover up their own crimes!"
"Is that right Ludmilla?" A new voice spoke out, louder than the others.

The masked woman walked onstage. She took off her face mask, unzipped her jacket revealing her tie dye shirt and removed her hood, revealing her thick curly hair. Everyone recognized her.
"Jupiter Jet?" Rose gasped.
"Oh my god!" Smidge shouted.
"Oh my god." Gristle whispered into his mic.
"Oh mien Gott." Hickory and Dickory said in unison.
"Oh. My. God!" The crowd cried out hysterically.

Chefs' eyes narrowed. "You!"
She braces her cleaver.
Jupiter flung away her jacket, revealing to pistols strapped to her body. Then she pulled up her shirt just enough for everyone to see the bite mark on her midsection, right below her ribs. "I carried this around for a year after escaping you. Risking infection and sickness just so people could recognize your teeth marks."
She nodded to the Conductor, who flipped some switches near the speakers 🔊 and music started up.
"I wrote a song about you."
She pointed the pistols at Chef, and sang as the fight went around her.

Killer Contest (a trolls au)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ