Tenth Chapter

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One Week Later

<Dear Rose, your sisters and I were very proud to see you on the news. We'll see you the next time you're in our Town>

Rose sat up on the mattress in the back of Billy's van staring at her phone screen and the mysterious text from the unknown number.
"What is it Babelicious?" Billy asked, curled up around her.
"It's... I don't know." Rose said. "A new mystery for later I guess."
"You ready for today?"
It was the memorial for the five cult victims. All the contestants had been invited to attend.
"Yeah," she smiled. "I'm ready."

In the week since the Spring Beats Showdown, things had settled a bit. Everyone involved had been questioned and interviewed and offered prestigious gigs.
Chef Ludmilla and her followers were in jail awaiting trial. Her lawyers were trying to get an insanity plea. I doubt it will work.

"One text and they won't stop messaging me. It's kinda freaky." Branch showed Poppy his family group chat.

Poppy and Branch arrived at the memorial ceremony with their band mates. They were all dressed in matching black overcoats.

"It's nice they want to catch up after  so long." Poppy remarked hugging his arm. Branch stiffened up. They hadn't had much time to talk about their relationship now that Creek was gone. And Branch was still little uncomfortable with the sudden affection.

"We shouldn't rush this. We've just been through a stressful situation we're still filled with adrenaline..."

"I get it," she nuzzled his shoulder, "you want to take things slow."

"Slow yes slow. And open. You can date as many other people you want. You can date Hickory if you want."

"Thanks Branch." She kissed his cheek. "You can date him too."

"I'm in." The man himself walked past them. They both froze then laughed at the serendipity.

"Joining you guys had been the best decision of my life." Branch stated.

"If you think we're great, wait until you meet my cousin Viva. We're do alike we were born on the same day!"

Jupiter stood besides an Italian man in a black suit wearing the peacock tiara. "This is my boyfriend Argos. He's the nephew of Lady Juno."
He shook their hands one by one. "Thank you for bringing my aunt back to us."

"Aw Gee." Poppy giggled. "It was our honor."

Jupiter watched all the guests take their seats. "So this is what victory looks like?" She had a wistful look on her face.

"You gonna be okay?" Rose asked her.


Mayer Maxine pinned a flower to Gristles' lapel. With the police chief in federal prison, he and his assistants started working as volunteer policemen. Maxine told him she'd happily endorse him entering the academy.

The ceremony was styled as a traditional Christian funeral. Two of the victims were Greek Orthodox.

Jupiter gave the eulogy speech, thanking the victims family members for helping her while she was on the run. Rose stood beside her for support.

"These five people were all dedicated to their craft. And they all  entered that contest like me, hoping to share their music with the world. And when they won, they must have been so excited and happy. But winning cost them their lives because that bitch thought eating them would make her great. But that's not how greatness works. Greatness comes from honing the skills you already have. Some are born great, like prodigies, some achieve greatness, like hard workers, and some," she took Rose's hand, "like our heroes have greatness thrust upon them. That cult tried to steal greatness from others, and that led to their eventual downfall. Now we can be assured that Lady Juno, Trident, Delphinium, Hearth, Skull and the members of Underworld, can Rest In Peace knowing that they've been avenged and that what happens to them will never happen to anyone else."

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