Second Chapter

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That night Gristle had his camera team Chet and Todd film him as he announced the first round. Each band would perform their own version the song "You are my Sunshine"
On a pedestal next to the judge's table was the trophy. Shaped like a Greek lyre with colored music strings.
First there was hip hopper Prince D.
You can are my sunshine
Then smooth jazzman Chaz playing his clarinet.
My only sunshine
Then the hard rock band Rock Zombie and their front woman Barb.
You make me HAPPY
Then a country singer named Delta Dawn playing banjo while riding a horse.
When skies are greeeey
Then a techno DJ called King Trollex.
You'll Never Know Dear
Then an old conductor and his orchestra.
How much I love you.
Then a pair of Yodelers who played the song on accordions.
Please don't take my sunshine away-AYYYYYYYYY

While waiting for their cue, Poppy and the Snackpack dressed up in matching pink jackets. Poppy glanced at Branch, who refused to look at the stage. She whispered to Rose: "I know he'd have fun here if he opened up a little."
Rise whispered back: "Give him time, I think you're starting to wear him down."
They noticed a short Irish woman with tiny pigtails practicing the song in a corner. She sounded pretty good.

They performed their cover, giving the song a cheerful Pop rewrite. Everyone cheered. Some of the other bands glared at them from off stage.

Gristle announced:
"And now, our final Soloist, Bridget OBrian!"
The Irish woman walked on stage. Her hands trembled as she took the microphone. She looked out at the crowd and started panicking.
"I... I..." for a split second, she looked in Gristles eyes.
"I can't do this."
She dropped the microphone (in an uncool way) and skittered offstage bumping into everybody on the stairs.
"Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me. Nice hair. Excuse me."

"Awwwww." Maxine sighed.
"Mmmm." Wind Breeze shook her head.
"Pathetic." Chef muttered.

As the K-pop group Koreas' Pride sang, Poppy went looking for Bridget and found her crying behind the outhouses, clutching a poster of Gristle.
"Hey," she spoke gently, like when one of her band mates was upset. "You okay?"
"D-d-do I look like I'm o-o-okay?" Bridget blubbered out. Branch, who had just caught up to Poppy groaned. "Oh that's attractive!" He said sarcastically. Poppy elbowed him in the ribs and continued. "I'm sorry you didn't get to sing. I bet you would have been good."
Bridget wiped her nose on her sleeve. "No I wouldn't," she said, "I just joined this stupid contest to try to meet the guy I like. And I blew it!"
"The Guy you like?" Poppy glanced at the poster Bridget was still clutching. "Ohhhhhh, you mean Gristle."
Bridget froze up, tears forgotten. "Ah, well, I mean..." she sighed. "What does it matter? I can never talk to him after that."
"Sure you can!" Poppy sat down next to her. "We can help you. Make you a new outfit, help boost your confidence, you'll blow him right away."
Branch took Poppy aside and whispered: "Is this really a good use of your time Pops?"
"Of course! How can I enjoy myself, if someone nearby is suffering?"
"People all over the world are suffering! You want to fix all their problems too?"
"If I could I would, but right now I'm focusing on the problems I can fix."
Branch sighed in disgust. "You're hopeless."
"Correction; I'm hopeful." She took Bridget's hand and helped her up. "Come on, we'll fancy you up in our caterbus."
Meanwhile Rose was watching the Reggaeton group Tres Corazon. She tried to get a better view when she bumped into a guest wearing a grey jacket with the hood up and a face mask 😷.
"Ah!" The woman put up her fists, expecting a fight.
"Sorry! Sorry!" Rose put her hands up. "Not a mugger I swear! Just an accident!"
"Oh," the woman sighed. "Okay." She looked nervous.
"What's wrong?" Rose asked.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." The woman said, then walked away.
Gristle announced the semi-finalists: The Snackpack, Rock Zombie, Korea's Pride, Tres Corazon, The Yodelers, The Orchestra, Delta Dawn, Chaz, DJ Prince D, and DJ Trollex, each group and their roadies were given gold ribbons. The runner ups, were given cards that got them half-off at all the concession stands.

Before finishing up, Poppy showed Bridget to Gristle, wearing a pink and black patterned jumpsuit with high heel pumps and a rainbow wig.
"Miss O'Brian would like to try again." Poppy announced.
"We already picked our winners." Gristle told her.
"We know. But she still wants to sing for you." Bridget smiled nervously and struck a pose. Gristle beamed: "Well ain't that dedication? Go ahead."
Bridget took the mike once again. This time, she looked at Poppy and her band mates. They all gave her thumbs up, even Branch.
Bridget had a good voice and did a great job. Gristle stared at her smitten.
"Hot lunch..." he walked up to the stage in a trance, job forgotten.
"I have a few hours off tomorrow afternoon. You wanna... will you go out with me tomorrow?" He asked.
"Uhhhh..." Bridget glanced at the Snack Pack, who made frantic 'say yes' motions.
"Yes." she squeaked.
"Yes!" he pumped his fists.
"Yes!" The Snack Pack cheered for them.

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